@Lifecoach5000 @paul That’s awful, I heard that too on an episode of #Sawbones podcast about how test kits are illegal.
Also, there’s a synthetic drug called #xylazine or #tranq that has very similar symptoms to opioid overdose but #naloxone doesn’t work because it’s not an opioid.
#naloxone #tranq #xylazine #Sawbones
The WhiteHouse has announced a plan to try to reduce Tranq (xylazine ) deaths by 15% by 2025. https://tinyurl.com/mt89ujew
Xylazine is a common additive to drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, etc.. Users can experience gnarly, open wounds with dead tissue that, left untreated, may require limb amputation. I reviewed Tranq's role in drug-related deaths with experts, recently... #addiction #overdose #fentanyl #xylazine https://fortune.com/well/2023/03/07/tranq-xylazine-zombie-drug-skin-rotting/
#addiction #overdose #fentanyl #xylazine
First REPORTED case of #xylazine death from #tranqdope in US comes out of Santa Cruz CA. #harmreduction #fentanyl #OverdosePrevention
#xylazine #tranqdope #harmreduction #fentanyl #OverdosePrevention
Xylazine-laced fentanyl is causing wounds and scrambling efforts to stop overdoses
#Law #LawFedi #SubstanceAbuse #DrugTreatment #Fentanyl #Xylazine #Crime #Rehab #drugs #wound #Triage
#Triage #wound #drugs #rehab #crime #xylazine #fentanyl #drugtreatment #substanceabuse #lawfedi #law
Hydromorphone playing no ‘significant’ role in toxic drug deaths: B.C. coroner | Globalnews.ca https://globalnews.ca/news/9746843/toxic-drug-death-crisis-bc-update-june-5/ ““To date, neither #hydromorphone nor #xylazine are present in any significant numbers,” Lapointe said. “#Fentanyl remains the main and most consistent and deadly driver of this public health emergency.”
#hydromorphone #xylazine #fentanyl
Fentanyl mixed with xylazine, an animal sedative, is an emerging threat to the U.S. due to its increasing presence in the illegal drug supply. #Xylazine can be life-threatening, especially when combined with #fentanyl. More: https://bit.ly/3W0y0Oq
Patreon文章<美國濫藥危機新問題:「喪屍藥」>: https://shorturl.at/gimP5
介紹一下美國濫藥問題的新趨勢。美國之前幾年主要討論「芬太尼」 #fentanyl ,近幾個月,美國開始討論一種新興藥物物質,名為「甲苯噻嗪」 #xylazine ,外號「鎮靜劑」 #tranq 或「喪屍藥」(zombie drug),使用甲笨噻嗪的個案上升,而且更致命。
Over the past few years, #HealthCanada has been tracking the spread of xylazine, an #AnimalTranquilizer - in the country's #StreetDrugs . Informally, it's often referred to as #TranqDope or just the #ZombieDrug "
#Xylazine is not approved for human use but increasingly has been cut with #opioids like #fentanyl - which can lead to gruesome effects. Users can sometimes fall into blackout states and develop agonizing wounds and "rotting flesh" that can require amputation.
#healthcanada #animaltranquilizer #streetdrugs #tranqdope #zombiedrug #xylazine #opioids #fentanyl
We are going to see so much more of this if and when xylazine gets clamped down upon. Among a2 agonists it can get SO much more potent than xylazine, and the more potent ones can (unlike xylazine) pretty easily stop a human heart from beating.
RT @nabarund
5. #Xylazine without fentanyl, but with other alpha-2 agonists, caffeine, and/or designer benzos.
This is rare but emerging.
OH: https://www.streetsafe.supply/results/p/400187
RT @AlertesInfos
🇺🇸💊FLASH - La "drogue zombie", plus connue sous le nom de #xylazine, continue de se répandre aux États-Unis, rendant ses consommateurs totalement déboussolés.
This is like a dystopian sci-fi horror story 😞
"Xylazine has an especially devastating side effect: gruesome wounds that don’t heal."
The horrific rise of #xylazine, the flesh-destroying drug making #fentanyl even deadlier | #Drugs | The Guardian
Lawmakers in Congress and states are trying to combat tranq, a combination of fentanyl and xylazine that can lead to horrific wounds and amputations.
#News #tranq #xylazine #HEROIN #bill #controlledsubtance #fleshrottingtranq
#News #tranq #xylazine #heroin #bill #controlledsubtance #fleshrottingtranq
This drug is no joke. #xylazine https://theconversation.com/what-is-xylazine-a-medical-toxicologist-explains-how-it-increases-overdose-risk-and-why-narcan-can-still-save-a-life-199482
It's only a matter of time until "tranq" arrives in our community. The entire county behavioral health system is bracing for the impact. #tranq #Xylazine #fentanyl #SubstanceUseDisorder #SUD https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine#:~:text=United%20States%20Drug%20Enforcement%20Administration,-Search&text=
#tranq #xylazine #fentanyl #substanceusedisorder #sud
Global News BC: Growing concern as animal tranquilizer xylazine makes its way into B.C. drug supply https://globalnews.ca/news/9569187/xylazine-b-c-drug-warning-tranquilizer/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #animaltranquilizer #xylazineoverdose #xylazinewarning #OverdoseCrisis #OVERDOSEDEATHS #xylazinedeath #OpioidCrisis #toxicdrugs #Fentanyl #Overdose #Xylazine #Health #Crime #Drugs
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #animaltranquilizer #xylazineoverdose #xylazinewarning #OverdoseCrisis #overdosedeaths #xylazinedeath #OpioidCrisis #toxicdrugs #fentanyl #overdose #xylazine #health #crime #drugs
The DEA issued its first public safety alert about tranq, a drug linked to severe skin wounds and amputations.
#News #tranq #xylazine #dea #OpioidCrisis #Drugs #fentanyl
#News #tranq #xylazine #dea #opioidcrisis #drugs #fentanyl
DEA Reports Widespread Threat of Fentanyl Mixed with Xylazine
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Deadly counterfeit pills containing Fentanyl. Image-DEA
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is warning the American public of a sharp increase in the trafficking of fentanyl mixed with xylazine. Xylazine, also known as “Tranq,” is...
#fentanyl #xylazine #horse #tranquilizer #traqsedative #skin rot
#fentanyl #xylazine #horse #tranquilizer #traqsedative #skin
“ #HealthCanada says it's receiving an increasing number of illegal drug samples that contain #xylazine — a #veterinary sedative, relaxant and pain reliever not approved for human use.
#healthcanada #xylazine #veterinary
The Tyee: BC’s Toxic Death Toll Is Not Budging (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/03/07/BC-Toxic-Death-Toll-Not-Budging/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #MinisterofMentalHealthandAddictionsJenniferWhiteside #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #chiefcoronerLisaLapointe #DrugUserLiberationFront #evidence-basedtreatment #VancouverCoastalHealth #2023toxicdrugdeaths #BCCoronersService #benzodiazepines #SoniaFurstenau #BCdrugdeaths #fentanyl #Naloxone #xylazine
#BCNews #TheTyee #ministerofmentalhealthandaddictionsjenniferwhiteside #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #chiefcoronerlisalapointe #druguserliberationfront #evidence #VancouverCoastalHealth #2023toxicdrugdeaths #BCCoronersService #benzodiazepines #soniafurstenau #BCdrugdeaths #fentanyl #naloxone #xylazine