#Yacón ganz leicht im Kübel anbauen - gesund, robust und extrem lecker!
#yacon #meingemuse #garten #balkon #gemuse
@pawsforthought Thanks for sharing photos with #Yacon and #Oca We haven’t been introduced to these fun plants.
@Frieda_M They are similar to Jerusalem artichoke in that they don’t need much watering except if it’s really dry. The tubers form more similar to potatoes except they are larger and more delicate to excavate.
The rhizomes can be separated from the plant and potted on for planting out after first frosts. I treated the plants as replant perennials after harvesting and leaving a couple of tubers on the plant and applying a wood chip mulch #Yacon #Allotment #GrowYourOwn #GYO #Permaculture
#yacon #Allotment #growyourown #gyo #permaculture
I harvested the last of the yacon. They made it through winter with only a handful of tubers near the surface being frost damaged and discarded. I need to give them more wood chip mulch for over wintering them next year.
I’ve 3 extra plants and a dozen growing tips to plant on in spring. Potentially these could double the crop for next year.#Allotment #yacon #Gardening #GrowYourOwn
#Allotment #yacon #gardening #growyourown
I harvested half of my Yacon plants before the worst of the hard frosts hit this week. I split a couple of plants and replanted and mulched them with wood chip. I hope they survive. I’ve also stored a dozen growing tips for potting on in spring. Guessing I have about 25 kg of tubers. #Allotment #Gardening #Yacon
Ideale dag om de bijzondere (gezonde) en gemakkelijke #wortelgroente #yacon of #appelwortel te oogsten en vorstvrij te bewaren. Is nauw verwant aan aardperen en schorseneren.
#appelwortel #yacon #wortelgroente
Yeah Yaconwurzel! Das gibts bisher nicht im Supermarkt. Schmeckt leicht süsslich finde ich. Deswegen sind auch Rezepte rar. Habt ihr einen guten Tipp?
#landwirtschaftmitzukunft #yacon #zuerich #solawi