@hackbyte @briankrebs yeah, but to go back to the point: #Spam is a big issue and 99,9% of all Spam that isn't bring #DROP'd by #Spamhaus blocklists are from #GMail, #YahooMail, #Hotmail / #Outlook.com / #Office365 / #AzureHostedExchange and domains hosted by registrars like #GoDaddy, because #Google, #Yahoo, #Microsoft and the Registrars refuse to even process #Abuse #reports at all.
#reports #abuse #Microsoft #yahoo #Google #GoDaddy #azurehostedexchange #office365 #outlook #hotmail #yahoomail #Gmail #spamhaus #drop #spam
Betanews: Yahoo Mail reinvents Inbox with new AI tools and Shopping Saver feature https://betanews.com/2023/08/28/yahoo-mail-ai-innovations-shopping-saver-feature/ #AIbetaexperience #unusedgiftcards. #WritingAssistant #emailinnovation #MessageSummary #ShoppingSaver #GoogleCloud #Searchtool #YahooMail #Article #AItools
#aibetaexperience #unusedgiftcards #writingassistant #emailinnovation #messagesummary #shoppingsaver #googlecloud #searchtool #yahoomail #article #aitools
I'm pleased to see Yahoo Mail taking steps to help shoppers save money. #Frugality #MoneySaving #YahooMail #InnovativeTools #TimeSaving http://www.techmeme.com/230828/p12#a230828p12
#frugality #moneysaving #yahoomail #innovativetools #timesaving
#Yahoo / #YahooMail wants me to log in https://tag.sp.advertising.com/bid-apid/bid-apid-idsync.html
Yeah, creepy. :pacman2:
Something really weird is happening with #Yahoo / #YahooMail logins. Suddenly it asks me to log in several times now. :thonking:
Logga in på #YahooMail känns som att klättra Everest utan utrustning. Tämligen svårt, och du vet aldrig om du kommer nå toppen. En motig resa i det digitala landskapet!
Gens de Mastodon, connaissez-vous un moyen de joindre quelqu'un chez #YahooMail pour débloquer l'accès à un compte dont l'adresse de secours n'existe plus ?
C'est pour Madame.
@TheDoctor512 Vorallem weil diese sich selbst nicht daran halten und #AbuseReports ignorieren.
Nur #Mail, #YahooMail und besonders #Microsoft haven diese Form von #Arschlochtum und sind deshalb fĂĽr den ĂĽberwiegenen Teil an #Spam verantwortlich!
#spam #arschlochtum #Microsoft #yahoomail #Mail #abusereports
@coltofox yeah, I had similar issues ages ago.
#Microsoft are real assholes for being one of the 3 biggest providers (#GMail & #YahooMail are the others) that do demand a shitton from #eMail #hosters yet don't even react to #Spam reports...
Worse are only #GoDaddy that refuse to provide any #WHOIS nor react upon #AbuseReports at all...
#abusereports #whois #GoDaddy #spam #hosters #Email #yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft
@adlerweb ja, und deswegen verweigere ich mich nicht nur der shice, sondern schaue wie ich deren Systeme komplett blocke...
Werde dazu wohl ne seperate Blocklist baun, damit deren Traffic nicht regelrecht Zeugs DDoS'en kann!
Das Nicht-Bearbeiten von #AbuseReports ist ferner ein Grund weshalb ich #GoDaddy mit draufpacke:
Alle #Spammer die nicht #Microsoft365, #GMail oder #YahooMail nutzen sind erfahrungsgemäß bei denen!
#yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft365 #spammer #GoDaddy #abusereports
@adlerweb angesichts dessen dass #Outlook.com, #YahooMail und #GMail bereits jetzt ihr "#TooBigToJail" aka. "#TooBigToBlock" missbrauchen sollten wir dies nicht auch woanders tolerieren!
#whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #toobigtoblock #tooBigToJail #Gmail #yahoomail #outlook
@mspro Wir sehen das Problem schon bei #eMail wo mit #YahooMail / #Yahoo, #GMail / #Google und #Outlook.com / #Microsoft drei GroĂźkonzerne allen deren absurde Regeln aufzwingen, sich selbst aber an keine halten mĂĽssen, und dementsprechend fĂĽr 99,99% allen #SPAM|s verantwortlich sind, der nicht automagisch per #Spamhaus weggeblockt wird!
#spamhaus #spam #Microsoft #outlook #Google #Gmail #yahoo #yahoomail #Email
@yuki2501 to put the analogy with other #decentralized & #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider options together:
Only #DenyLosting bad actors is boing to work.
I'd rather block all the shitty "#Freemailers without #Abuse-Handling" like #GMail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail than only doing allow-listings...
#yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #abuse #freemailers #denylosting #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized
@yawnbox well, then you haven't seen how #GAFAMs like #Microsoft pursue it!
#BigEmail is already a problem as #TooBigToJail causes basically all #Spam to be from #Gmail, #Outlook.com / #Azur #HostedExchange & #YahooMail, as they don't react to #AbuseReports at all!
#abusereports #yahoomail #hostedexchange #azur #outlook #Gmail #spam #tooBigToJail #bigemail #Microsoft #gafams
@thefreehunter whereas if we allow the #GAFAMs inside, we instantly get "#TooBigToJail" or rather #TooBigToBlock instances which - like with #Spam from #GMail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail - can basically deny to ever give a damn aboit their users' misbehaving and toxifying the #Fediverse.
These people fled here because :facebook: , #tumblr, :twitter: , :reddit: & Co. went :birdsite: :vomit: :trash: ...
And it's not funny!
#tumblr #Fediverse #yahoomail #outlook #Gmail #spam #toobigtoblock #tooBigToJail #gafams
@freakazoid @LunaDragofelis @schratze well then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Because answers like that lead to the #TooBigToBan fuckups on #eMail where 99,99% off all #Spam I encoubter is from the big 3 providers that refuse to handle #Abuse reports:
- #GMail
- #YahooMail &
- #Micorosft (regardless if #Outlook.com or #HostedExchange on #Azure)
#azure #hostedexchange #outlook #micorosft #yahoomail #Gmail #abuse #spam #Email #toobigtoban
@LunaDragofelis @freakazoid @schratze
I konw why one would want that, but it would kinda brick it.
There's a reason why decentralized systems like #eMail, #XMPP & :activitypub: work on #DenyListing instead of #AllowListing, as this would inherently result in #centralization to an oligopol, something we see #iEmail like #Gmail, #YahooMail and #Microsoft #Outlook attempt.
Also do you really expect instance admins to vet every single self-hosted instance?
Cuz that won't work for a lot of people.
#outlook #Microsoft #yahoomail #Gmail #iemail #centralization #allowlisting #denylisting #XMPP #Email
I mean there's a reason why some Sites flat-out ban those "#freeDomains" if not all #NewGTLDs and #Freemailers...
Case in point: Most spammers that don't get automagically blocked use big sites and servers. Basically all #Spam I encoutered was either from #GMail, #Outlook.com / Hosted #Exchange on #Azure and #YahooMail...
#yahoomail #azure #Exchange #outlook #Gmail #spam #freemailers #newgtlds #freedomains
@TheDoctor512 WTF?
Ich meine, das aussperren von #WegwerfAdressen ist gängig, aber wer @protonmail sollte auch #Outlook.com, #YahooMail & #GMail verbannen!
Ich kann ja verstehen wenn Bewertungsportale "verifizierte Käufe" auf Basis von Transaktions-IDs umsetzen - so macht's auch #Amazon...
Das sollte jedoch keinen extra login BedĂĽrfen...
#Amazon #Gmail #yahoomail #outlook #wegwerfadressen
Login trouble for Yahoo mail? Get your credit card and driver license ready! No free support options for account recovery. Glad I didn’t need in that badly. #YahooMail #CustomerSupport