Settimana scorsa ho iniziato una campagna coop a 4 di #BaldursGate3
Sorge un problema: come evitare di iniziare una run a parte in singleplayer perché le sessioni settimanali non bastano a placare la mia sete di CRPG?
Facile: basta iniziare a giocare a #Yakuza5
Sarà un Agosto interessante dal punto di vista dei videogiochi 😅
There is nothing that encapsules #Yakuza5 better than the fact that it expects you, without warning beforehand, to go throught the 2-3 hours of the finale in one sitting without letting you save in case you need to take a break.
See The 5 Games With The Most Mini Games
Having a good plot and storyline is super important for any video game to succeed. But sometimes, side content matters just as much as the main quest. Side quests and activities let you break the main gameplay and get a breath of fresh air before grinding
#GamingTalkStuff #5GamesWithTheMostMiniGames #GrandTheftAuto5 #KingdomHearts #MarioParty #MiniGames #Shenmue #Yakuza5
#gamingtalkstuff #5gameswiththemostminigames #grandtheftauto5 #kingdomhearts #marioparty #minigames #shenmue #yakuza5
I looked up my time on #Yakuza5 and it's 73 hours. How did that happen, I didn't even touch a whole bunch of side stuff.
Finally started up Yakuza 5. Really enjoyed the multi character story telling in Y4 and looking forward to where Y5 will take that concept. The early bits in the Prologue are already entertaining, like the taxi minigame. Incredibly how good the Remaster version looks too. #Yakuza #Yakuza5 #LikeADragon