Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Time: 32h17m22s
Beneath its controversial attitude toward series history, and somewhat misaimed gameplay recalibration, lies what I found to be a higher-tier Yakuza story that does a great job at balancing the franchise's many facets with a more nuanced story.
Your impressions of this game should be highly linked to how you prioritize these elements in the series. I personally hold it as one of my favorites in the bunch.
結構飽きてきた #yakuza6 を気合いでクリアした
Cognition Dissemination: The Games of “2022”
I played a lot of video games last
#Editorials #Videogames #AI:TheSomniumFiles #Bayonetta #Catherine:FullBody #ChildofLight #CognitionDissemination #FireEmblem:ThreeHouses #LiveALive(2022) #NEO:TheWorldEndswithYou #Persona5Royal #Pikmin3Deluxe #RaymanLegends #TheGreatAceAttorneyChronicles #ValiantHearts:TheGreatWar #XenobladeChronicles:DefinitiveEdition #Yakuza6
#editorials #videogames #ai #bayonetta #catherine #childoflight #CognitionDissemination #fireemblem #livealive #neo #persona5royal #Pikmin3Deluxe #raymanlegends #TheGreatAceAttorneyChronicles #valianthearts #xenobladechronicles #yakuza6
i'm pretty familiar with japanese AV actress, but maybe not enough because i never seen this girl before. she’s pretty cute though. #yakuza6 #videogames
i just met anri sugihara in #yakuza6 !! this game turns out to be one of the best in the series! (until now at least. i'm at chapter 7) #videogames
sorry 🙏🏻 more #yakuza6 selfies because i've never enough of them.... #videogames
finally met “beat” takeshi kitano in #yakuza6 !! he suits so well in this game! #videogames
spotted an italian restaurant in kamurocho! i'm loving the selfie feature in #yakuza6 #videogames