This week’s #Lectionary is on #Genesis 28:10-19a. Watch Yale Divinity School Profs. Joel Baden and John Collins as they discuss Jacob at
#YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #YaleBibleStudy #Genesis #Bible #Christianity #BibleStudy
#biblestudy #christianity #bible #yalebiblestudy #yaledivinityschool #yds #genesis #lectionary
It's Spring Break! And we can't think of any better way to relax on the beach than with an introduction to the Books of Samuel, with Prof. Joel Baden and Prof. John J. Collins.
#YBS #YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #YaleBibleStudy #BibleStudy #BookofSamuel #KingDavid #KingSolomon #BooksofSamuel
#booksofsamuel #KingSolomon #kingdavid #bookofsamuel #biblestudy #yalebiblestudy #yaledivinityschool #yds #ybs