Enjoyed the panels at #Yallfest, and it was so great to finally meet several author friends in person!
First day of #Yallfest was a bit rainy, but I bought a signed copy of Kwame Alexander’s new #versenovel. And today is supposed to be sunny and full of #author panels and writing friends. ❤️
Sending cheers and good weather wishes to all the #booklovers in Charleston this weekend for #yallfest
First post on Mastodon. I'm a #librarian and obsessed with #media #books #music #movies #television #history #news #popculture #lgbthistory #yallwest #yallfest #youngadult #literature and so much more. Let's see how this goes.
#librarian #media #books #music #movies #television #history #news #popculture #lgbthistory #yallwest #yallfest #youngadult #literature