"Strong countries plunder from weak countries,
capitalists plunder from laborers,
and politicians plunder from citizens.
The social is plundering each other.
(By Kaoru Ushijima in #Yamikinushijimakun)
#comic #comics
#comics #comic #yamikinushijimakun
"What a excessive profit!
But I got the cash!
I appreciate it.
I pay the interest of the consumer finances.
Let's do the duel with the rest money.
I won with 2,000 yen! as I anticipated!
Let's become the pachi-pro!
Let's get the qualification of the practitioner in acupuncture and moxibustion with accummurating the money too.
I should have stopped it when stacking one box.
I lost 20,000 yens.
Despite the debt of the loan-shark, I lost 20,000 yens."
#comic #comics
#comics #comic #yamikinushijimakun
"Your parents paid one million yen because they had made the idiot like you.
By yourself, be prepared for reparation of one million yen value too!"
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the Yamikin Ushijim-kun/Ushijima:the loan shark)
#quote #comic #comics #YamikinUshijimaKun
#yamikinushijimakun #comics #comic #quote
"Your parents must paid 1 million yens because they produced the stupid like you.
By yourself, be prepared for reparation of 1 million yens."
(By Kaoru Ushijima in #yamikinushijimakun/ #ushijimatheloanshark)
#comic #comics #quote #quotes
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #comics #quote #quotes
"I no more play the gamble!
How million times have I thought so?
In this way, I lost and lost, I made and made the debts, and I have made 2.18 million debts.
Thinking about my debt makes me depressing."
(By Yuichi Utsui in #yamikinushijimakun/ #ushijimatheloanshark)
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic
"Your parents must paid 1 million yens to had made the birth of your idiot.
You too, be prepared for the reparation of 1 million yens price by yourself!"
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun / #Ushijimatheloanshark)
#quotes #quote #comic #ShoheiManabe #真鍋昌平
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #quotes #quote #comic #shoheimanabe #真鍋昌平
"After all, Money!
Money collect to more money.
The people who have no money are squeezed more than possible, and even their dignity is plundered."
(By #Ushijima in the #YamikinUshijimaKun / #UshijimaTheLoanShark)
#comic #quote #quotes #comics #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
#ushijima #yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #quote #quotes #comics #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
After all, Money!
Money collect to more money.
The people who have no money are squeezed more than possible, and even their dignity is plundered."
(By #Ushijima in the #YamikinUshijimaKun / #UshijimaTheLoanShark)
#comic #quote #quotes #comics #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
#ushijima #yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #quote #quotes #comics #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
"Returning your reliance you lost at once, is harder than making your reliance at first."
(by #Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun / #ushijimatheloanshark)
#comic #comics #quotes #quote #comico #shoheimanabe #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
#quote #comico #shoheimanabe #ushijima #yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #quotes #comics #真鍋昌平 #闇金ウシジマくん
"How will they change, with 2 million yen for one person?
And, they are scum, coming to borrow money with guarantee to you each other.
The money which could be easily get, is easily used.
The poor person can't change easily."
(by #Ushijima in #yamikinushijimakun) #quote #comic
#ushijima #yamikinushijimakun #quote #comic
"Who make the rules are the strong persons.
It's who have much money and authority.
The strong persons make the rule to be fit to them.
So, the weak persons always take the disadvantage."
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun / #ushijimatheloanshark)
#comic #quote
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #quote
"Women before the World War were modest.
They received their own fates.
They had neither their human rights or knowledge, and they were silence, even if they were overided and were made a plaything by men."
(by Skipper in the #yamikinushijimakun) #comics #comic #quotes
#yamikinushijimakun #comics #comic #quotes
"Many people rely on us,
but inversely, if we rely, we will be end in this world.
Immediately, we will be devoured."
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun / #ushijimatheloanshark ) #quotes #comic
#ushijimatheloanshark #yamikinushijimakun #comic #quotes
They want to only maintain the present position, and only live to be remarked in the party.
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun)
"It's dead end if addict.
They fear to be underestimated by others, so they tell nobody their own real intention each other.
With the face of the friend, they use others and find the weak point of others each other."
(by Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun)
“The party-junkie.
The friendship conformation disease.
Their talking in the party is the story of the past party.
The junkie, never can escaping if they addict at once.”
(By Kaoru Ushijima in the #yamikinushijimakun / #Ushijimatheloanshark)
#quotes #comic #ushijima #quote
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #quotes #comic #ushijima #quote
"For your health, stand! old scum!
If you become ill and hospitalized, we, the young era, must suffer for health insurance and tax again!
But I don't pay neither, so I act the dead."
(Yuichi Utsui by the #yamikinushijimakun/ #ushijimatheloanshark) #comic #quote #comics
#yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark #comic #quote #comics
"They can't live by own, so they make friends to protect each other, they don't have any shame to lie to become better position than others, and they have no interest to each different past story of others."
(Yuichi Utsui/#ushijimatheloanshark #yamikinushijimakun) #quote
I've thought the life of the homeless is easy, it must be wrong.
They live in the obvious vertical social to protect the order.
(Yuichi Utsui/#ushijimatheloanshark #yamikinushijimakun)
#comics #quotes
#yamikinushijimakun #comics #quotes
"In the human life", I'm sinked in the garbage.
"In the human life", I'm pushed around by the nasty persons with the job I don't want to do.
"In the human life", I masturb with the artifical vagina with the porno picture picked up with no pay in the internet.
(by Kiyoshi Itahashi)
#comics #comic #yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark
#comics #comic #yamikinushijimakun #ushijimatheloanshark