Wird bei grösseren Firmen internes Microblogging a la Twitter/X/Mastodon betrieben und falls ja, mit welchen Technologien? Eignet sich hierfür Yammer resp. Viva Engage? Sehe sehr viel Potential für CoP-Anwendungen: wie hier in der corporate learning community, jedoch firmenintern. #microblogging #communitiesofpractice #VivaEngage #Yammer
#microblogging #communitiesofpractice #vivaengage #yammer
Ich erzähle Euch das alles, weil es neu für mich ist, da ich mich selten mit #Microsoft beschäftige. Man kann mit #Outlook neuerdings wohl sogar direkt einen #StorylinePost nach #VivaEngage absetzen. Das hieß vorher #Yammer und ist jetzt ein #Modul von Microsoft #Viva. Ich habe auch ein Video gesehen mit dem Titel "Introducing Copilot in Microsoft Viva Engage". Den #Copilot scheint es echt für alles zu geben. Ob eine so "Employee-Experience-Plattform" was Tolles ist, wage ich aber zu bezweifeln.
#microsoft #outlook #storylinepost #vivaengage #yammer #modul #viva #copilot
#Yammer hat sich auch verabschiedet.
Die Abhängigkeit von #Microsoft ist so ätzend ...
Yammer devient définitivement Viva Engage le 28 juin 2023 prochain.
Il y a un an, Microsoft a introduit Viva Engage, un nouveau module de la suite Microsoft Viva, dans le but d'aider les organisations à renforcer la cohésion entre leurs collaborateurs, à favoriser le sentiment d'appartenance, à encourager le dialogue avec les dirigeants et à optimiser
Save the date: der 41. #KnowledgeJam am 21.4. wird das Thema "#WorkingOutLoud mit #Yammer und #VivaEngage" haben. Infos und Anmeldung 👉 https://community.cogneon.de/t/41-knowledgejam-working-out-loud-mit-yammer-und-viva-engage-ckj41/3841
#Wissensmanagement #Wissenstransfer #KnowledgeManagement #KM #WOL #Microsoft365 #Office365 #HR #IT
#knowledgejam #workingoutloud #yammer #vivaengage #wissensmanagement #wissenstransfer #knowledgemanagement #km #wol #microsoft365 #office365 #hr #it
It's really powerful to understand how important Enterprise Social Networks are to keep people engaged. Not really surprising to see this...but I'll bet that #spacekaren is going to make them use some sort of internal twitter. This is because of his buddy (and my former boss) #DavidSachs who started #Yammer.
#spacekaren #davidsachs #yammer
Yammer is evolving to Microsoft Viva Engage with new experiences rolling out today
The Background Story: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/02/13/yammer-is-evolving-to-microsoft-viva-engage-with-new-experiences-rolling-out-today/
#microsoft365 #yammer #vivaengage
If your organization does not want employees to use #Yammer, make sure to disable the new #Viva Engage Core license for users as well.
Check out this blog post:
"#Yammer gets the #Microsoft hammer."
Yammer has a new name—meet Microsoft Viva Engage.
Learn more about the rebrand and new experiences offered: https://msft.it/60475ufPl #MSFTViva #Microsoft #yammer #viva
#msftviva #microsoft #yammer #viva
Remember #Yammer?
"Microsoft kills off the enterprise social network no-one remembered it has" | TechRadar
#Microsoft sorgt endlich für ein Ende der Verwirrung um die nahezu gleichen Dienste #Yammer und #Viva: Ersteres wird nun auf Eigenentwicklung umgestellt und verschwindet dadurch. https://winfuture.de/news,134600.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Microsoft ditches #Yammer brand and goes all-in on Viva Engage https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/14/microsoft-ditches-yammer-brand-and-goes-all-in-on-viva-engage/
Having been employee 107 at #Yammer, it's a sad day when you see the brand disappear. On the other hand, I think Yammer had a time and place and those have both past...#RIP #Enterprise20 #ESN #EnterpriseSocial
#yammer #rip #enterprise20 #esn #enterprisesocial
Umbenennung #Yammer zu #VivaEngage ist öffentlich: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/02/13/yammer-is-evolving-to-microsoft-viva-engage-with-new-experiences-rolling-out-today/ #ModernIntranet #ESN
#yammer #vivaengage #modernintranet #esn
One of my key observations in #Yammer: I am leaving communities and follow people and hashtags/topics more to optimise my signal/noise ratio. And also to work around corporate communications yelling into communities like there’s no tomorrow.
What’s really annoying is that #Yammer and #Teams both exist, and aren’t better together. Example: Teams Channel meetings are great, and I would love to have Yammer meetings like that. Hey, the whole #o365 features are both there in Teams and Yammer.
What I find funny is that the way #Mastodon works (let’s not dig into Fediverse just yet) is very similar to my experience of #yammer.
Biggest difference: Yammer has groups or communities, which Mastodon doesn’t have, so Mastodon’s use of hashtags is the best thing, here. Yammer has hashtags (which are — not so good) and topics (which are great, but the UX sucks). And why are they different?
#Yammer und #Viva #Engage schließt im Kontext von Working Out Loud #WOL eine wichtige Lücke in #Microsoft365. Werde dazu mal was bloggen.
#yammer #viva #engage #wol #microsoft365
And what I am preaching inside BASF and how we use #Yammer: We need to learn how pull-communication works, and what it takes to make it work for our fellow human beings (and colleagues).
Only when we unlearn the lessons that #SocialMedia has taught us, tainted by #YouAreTheProduct and #Advertisement we can come back to meaningful asynchronous conversations, and not algorithm-"curated" content -- or the other extreme "chat".
#yammer #socialmedia #youaretheproduct #advertisement