Mario, hurry up! Luigi won't last long.
Mario, date prisa! Luigi no va a resistir mucho tiempo.
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #luigi #luigismansion
That nostalgia! This is one of the first NSFW drawings I did. How did it fit me? XD
¡Qué nostalgia! Este es de los primeros dibujos NSFW que hice. ¿Qué tal me quedó? XD
#YukiArte #yaoi #Yaoihard #BNH #Bokunohero #Myheroacademia #bakugo #kirishima #bakugoxkirishima
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #bnh #bokunohero #myheroacademia #bakugo #kirishima #bakugoxkirishima
The experiment kind of got weird, don't you think?
Como que el experimento se puso raro, ¿no creen?
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #PhineasandFerb #exhibitionism #exhibicionismo
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #phineasandferb #exhibitionism #exhibicionismo
This is the punishment for those who don't do their homework!
¡Este es el castigo para los que no hacen la tarea!
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #Shotacon #shota #public #humiliation #Inaheartbeat #JonathanxSherwin #SherwinXJonathan #small_dick
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #shotacon #shota #public #humiliation #inaheartbeat #jonathanxsherwin #sherwinxjonathan #small_dick
You have to work for those extra points! And don't forget to smile for the camera, they must look like they are enjoying it, dammit!
¡Hay que esforzarse por esos puntos extras! ¡Y no se les olvide sonreír a la cámara, que parezca que lo están disfrutando, carajo!
#Inaheartbeat #YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #shota #shotacon #JonathanxSherwin #SherwinXJonathan
#inaheartbeat #yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #shota #shotacon #jonathanxsherwin #sherwinxjonathan
Medidas que manejo en mi fic de Sensaciones. 7w7
Aquí sin censura:
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #Digimon #DigimonYaoi #dickcomparison
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #digimon #digimonyaoi #dickcomparison
Ezequiel is the first expelled. this home schooled boy was macho, withdrawn and a bit dirty... tell me he wasn't mega exciting. I always imagined him as an animal in bed. It takes time to warm up, but once it does, you won't let go until you've finished at least three times. You won't be able to sit down for a couple of days, but it will have been worth it. 7w7
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #dt #totaldrama #totaldramaisland
This was the first comic I read on the platform and I found it so cute and inspiring, I didn't think I had a fandom that would like to see Kappa and Siren in ho++er situations, but I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one. Enjoy them and if you want more of them let me know.
Appreciating them, it was hell getting to make the Kappa scales.
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #CastleSwimmer #Castillosenelmar #SirenxKappa #KappaxSiren
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #castleswimmer #castillosenelmar #sirenxkappa #kappaxsiren
Serena's naughty and annoying little brother arrives in my standing boys collection. How would you lower the sumos to this cheeky boy?
El travieso y molesto hermano menor de Serena llega a mi colección de chicos de pie. ¿Cómo le bajarían los sumos a este impertinente chico?
#sailormoon #YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #Shota #shotacon #SammyTsukino #ShingoTSukino
#sailormoon #yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #shota #shotacon #sammytsukino #shingoTsukino
Some edits I did of the iconic Matt and Tai fight. 7w7
Unos edit que hice de la icónica pelea de Matt y Tai. 7w7
#YukiArte #yaoi #yaoihard #taidigimon #taichidigimon
#MattIshida #mattdigimon #YamatoIshida #yamatodigimon #taixmatt #mattxtai #edit #edityaoi #shota #shotacon
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #taidigimon #taichidigimon #mattishida #mattdigimon #yamatoishida #yamatodigimon #Taixmatt #mattxtai #edit #edityaoi #shota #shotacon
Ready to take on Fredsilla?!
¡¿Listo para enfrentarte a Fredsilla?!
#fredsilla #YukiArte #yaoihard #yaoi #bighero6 #bigherosix #grandesheroes
#fredsilla #yukiarte #yaoihard #yaoi #bighero6 #bigherosix #grandesheroes
Duke is one of the most handsome boys in the Yu-Gi-Oh! and also one of the less NSFW things, so I decided to contribute to the cause. n.n
Duke es uno de los chicos más hermosos de Yu-Gi-Oh! y también de los que menos tienen material NSFW, así que decidí contribuir con la causa. n.n
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #DukeDevlin #Yugioh #RyujiOtogi
#feet #malefeet
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #dukedevlin #yugioh #ryujiotogi #feet #malefeet
I don't think I said it here, but I love comparisons, humiliation and shame. I feel like they make great garnishes for a good NSFW, don't they? Just look at Cosmo's little face. 7w7
Creo que aquí no lo he dicho, pero me encantan las comparaciones, la humillación y la vergüenza. Siento que son grandes aderezos para un buen NSFW, ¿no lo creen? Solo miren la carita de Cosmo. 7w7
#YukiArte #Yaoi #Yaoihard #cosmo #dickcomparison #humiliation #TheFairlyOddParents #LosPadrinosMagicos
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #cosmo #dickcomparison #humiliation #thefairlyoddparents #lospadrinosmagicos
Tyler de Turning Red para mi colección De Pie. Díganme quién no se sintió cautivado con este tremendo chico y con muchas ganas de verlo sometido y castigado.
La versión dura es solo para Patre0n:
#yukiarte #yaoi #yaoihard #shota #shotacon