postmodern · @postmodern
1229 followers · 1520 posts · Server

TIL is a viable alternative to (currently down). Also supports YARD docs and seems fairly fast.

#ruby #docs #YARD #yardoc

Last updated 1 year ago

Grant Willcox · @tekwizz123
86 followers · 192 posts · Server

Anyone here able to give a good overview of the differences in capabilities between YARD and RBS beyond the fact that the two store types in different places? I know both have type checkers but I’m curious to know if RBS would have the same ability to document types as YARD or if one can cover more situations than the other.

#yardoc #ruby #rbs

Last updated 1 year ago

Grant Willcox :donor: · @tekwizz123
50 followers · 140 posts · Server

Anyone got any good recommendations for getting started with improving documentation within an existing project?

Been trying to see what people recommend online but most of what I have found has been more tutorials on YARD itself than how to actually develop a system for monitoring and increasing the level of documentation within a product using a systematic approach.

#yardoc #ruby #documentation #softwaredevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago

Grant Willcox :donor: · @tekwizz123
0 followers · 59 posts · Server

@noelrap How do you feel people should work towards increasing this YARD documentation?

I've been pushing for this type of documentation for this reason, and since a lot of people I know seem opposed to the idea of having a separate type file, it seems like the best middle ground at the moment, particularly when a lot of projects already have some form of YARD documentation.

Unfortunately the biggest hurdle I see atm is that in fast moving software it can be hard to reach that stage where there is enough documentation and awareness that people commit to using and updating YARD documentation, particularly when you also have external contributors who might not be familiar with those standards.

Curious to hear what your thoughts are on this :)

#ruby #yardoc

Last updated 2 years ago

GenghisKen Coar · @GenghisKen
16 followers · 62 posts · Server


If I'm understanding the issue you're encountering, the `[attach]` macro clause is supposed to do this. However, I've never gotten it to work properly.

My issue with this has been slightly different; I want the *declaration* of the class method to have its own docco, describing what it does, but _also_ have the `[attach]` functionality to provide a boilerplate so each use of it documents the attributes it's declaring.

#Tuby #YARD #yardoc

Last updated 2 years ago

postmodern · @postmodern
565 followers · 452 posts · Server

How do YARDoc users document calls to DSL methods that are called within another block in a class, and are defined in another gem? Example:

class MyClass < OtherGem::DSL

setup do
define_some_method :foo, type: String

Do I really have to manually type out @!method macros for each defined reader/writer or is there some way to do this using @!macro?

#ruby #YARD #yardoc

Last updated 2 years ago