If you’d like to plan a color swatch for #Yarnuary, yarn wraps are a good starting point for planning how much of each color to use, in what combinations, without wasting yarn or a lot of time. I learned about them from weavers, but I’ve used them in my knitting projects.
#yarnuary #knitting #fiberarts #fibrearts
Okay, so back in 2018, we had #yarnuary, a craft-along for the month of January.
I didn’t get my act together enough to do it again in January 2023, but I’d like to try for February.
I’d like to change the hashtag though because someone on IG used yarnuary first, and this wouldn’t be associated with them.
so far I’ve thought of FediFiber and Fiberary, but the latter is a Tumblr thing, so that’s out. Thoughts?
ETA: Taking suggestions until Jan 7. Then will poll.
#yarnuary #fiberarts #fibrearts
So many more active fiber artists. If I had more energy, I’d consider reviving #yarnuary in 2023.
Hrm. Maybe I will consider it anyway!
#yarnuary #knitting #fiberarts #fibrearts
The only thing I can offer is to make vague suggestions for -alongs each month like I did for #yarnuary one year.
The floor is open.
P.S. the fibre.space name is thanks to @not_on_pizza
I wasn’t around for #yarnuary this year, so I don’t know what y’all got up to.
Would anyone using the #knitting #crochet #FiberArts #FibreArts tags be up for some kind of low-key monthly theme?
Boost, please!
#yarnuary #knitting #crochet #fiberarts #fibrearts
@tricoteur coucou! merci beaucoup!!!
ah, je ne connais pas #yarnuary c'est quoi?
oui le modèle est en ligne dans ma boutique et soutient @Framasoft bien sur!
This is my current #crochet project - pinned out so I can track down the origin of an errant chain-space. #fiberarts #yarnuary
Thanks everyone, for a wonderful #yarnuary, and I hope you'll remember to share your #fiberarts work with us.
Optional theme for February is to try a technique you’ve been meaning to learn, or to practice something at which you are still a beginner. I plan to find my cards for #tabletweaving and work on getting into better practice.
#yarnuary #fiberarts #tabletweaving
Ohhey, I did some actual rummaging in my yarn & hm, much of it is actual sock yarn (superwash with nylon) but I did run across these 3 but they are worsted to bulky and am not sure if they'd be too thick for the Sycamore Creek Shawl?
The top & bottom hanks are malabrigo & the middle is handspun.
#knitting #yarnuary https://toot.cat/media/h1aT0kxQHa5bl-M2FW0
Challah infinity scarf by Pam Powers. #yarnuary https://mastodon.art/media/-oaHkjvRbrpxyZrg_L4
The optional theme for the last few days of #yarnuary was “something small you've always wanted to try, but haven't”. If you want a #fiberarts theme for February, I figure continuing with that same thing would work, or else practicing a new fiber arts technique.
For instance, I think I’m either going to dig out my #nalbinding needle and practice the basics, or else dig out my tablet #weaving cards and do a small sample. I'm still a beginner at those, and haven’t tried either in a long while.
#yarnuary #fiberarts #nalbinding #weaving
Here’s my remaining three bits of sweater that I mended for #yarnuary. I’ve been having trouble uploading photos, but I think I found a different way to do it. Thread:
#yarnuary #knitting #mending #fiberarts
Planning ahead for casting on a shawl to be started on February 1 for a KAL elseweb. (It’s my own pattern, and it’s called Sycamore Creek.)
I’ve unraveled that mini-shawl, which was a prototype for a different shawl.
This is going to be a large stripey shawl in two semi-solid brown yarns with narrow stripes of that variegated dark red/purple/orange yarn. I haven’t worked out the stripe sequence yet.
#yarnuary #knitting #fiberarts
#yarnuary #knitting #fiberarts
Kestra was being particularly picturesque with my knitting today, so I had to take another picture... Had To! ;D
B said I needed to post this updated picture of Kestra & "friend", so here it is! ^_^
@pursuitofnerdiness@witches.town Here's a picture of the Original one in Better Days. It's become undone (as The Guess Who once sang) and so I am making another...
I have been posting in progress pictures under the #yarnuary tag and in theory am making a Ravelry project for it too.
Work on the Tentacle Bag Mark II has stalled largely because, well, it's gotten Large & not easily portable.... and then it got Warm here (yay pneumonia weather!) and yeah.
I guess I ought to finally make a Ravelry project for it though; I do have pictures albeit with mucky colors 'cause my phone camera hates me, but still.