I didn't know you could easily install the Ubuntu Yaru theme on #Fedora. Here it's the Prussian Green accent colour in light mode.
sudo dnf install yaru-theme
You can also add it to LibreOffice if you want : https://github.com/ubuntu/libreoffice-style-yaru-fullcolor/releases/tag/2023-03-31
#Fedora #yaru #theme #GNOME #desktopTheme
#ViernesDeEscritorio con #Ubuntu y #MATE y algunas de sus herramientas en mi #EscritorioGNULinux.
#Kitty #Dracula #Yaru
¡A seguir disfrutando del #Softwarelibre!
#viernesdeescritorio #ubuntu #mate #escritoriognulinux #kitty #dracula #yaru #softwarelibre
Isn't my fresh #ArchLinux desktop cool?
I just love how smoothly a Linux system tends to run. I forget I install it to a 7200 RPM hard disk sometimes because it feels at least as responsive as my Windows and macOS installs on SSDs.
Distro: #Arch
Terminal: #kgx (GNOME Console)
Theme: #Yaru (Dark Purple)
GNOME Extensions: #ArcMenu #DashToPanel #DING
Kernel: #Linux 6.0.11
#archlinux #arch #gnome #kgx #yaru #arcmenu #dashtopanel #ding #linux
This is probably interesting for a very small group of people, but nevertheless I'm going to share it.
Since updating to #Ubuntu 22.04 I noticed that my favorite terminal application #Tilda showed completely transparant tabs. Very irritating. So after searching for a solution, I found this page: https://github.com/lanoxx/tilda/wiki/Styling
I had to edit/create the file ~/.config/tilda/style.css and add this for use with the #Yaru
Dark theme:
notebook tab {
background-color: #2c2c2c;
color: #f7f7f7;
notebook tab:checked {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
color: #e7e7e7;
notebook tabs {
background-color: #2c2c2c;
Now quit the app via the right-click menu and re-open it using the super key. 🎉
#tweak #gnome #e7e7e7 #4c4c4c #f7f7f7 #2c2c2c #yaru #tilda #ubuntu
In Ubuntu 22.04 Light Means Light — Everywhere #dev #news #gnome_shell #ubuntu_22.04_lts #yaru https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/03/ubuntu-22-04-uses-a-light-gnome-shell-theme
#dev #news #gnome_shell #ubuntu_22 #yaru
Ubuntu 22.04 Just Got a BIG Design Update (Spoiler: Looks Awesome) #dev #news #gnome_42 #ubuntu_22.04_lts #yaru https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/02/ubuntu-22-04-big-theme-drop
#dev #news #gnome_42 #ubuntu_22 #yaru
[HowTo] Incorporación de temas visuales a i3wm en Debian 10 y derivados #sistemas_operativos #linux #gnu_linux #ubuntu #temas #tema_visual #themes #apariencia #dark #oscuro #negro #yaru #yaru_dark #midnight #midnight_green #visual #aspecto #i3wm #i3 #lxde #lxappearance #unity #gnome #unity_tweak_tool #gnome_tweak_tool #retoques #ubuntu_tweak #tweak_tool https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_incorporacion_temas_visuales_i3wm_debian10/
#themes #apariencia #dark #oscuro #midnight_green #visual #aspecto #i3 #lxde #lxappearance #ubuntu #temas #tema_visual #midnight #i3wm #gnome #tweak_tool #sistemas_operativos #linux #gnu_linux #negro #yaru #yaru_dark #unity #unity_tweak_tool #gnome_tweak_tool #retoques #ubuntu_tweak
'Midnight-Green', mi tema visual favorito para i3wm en Debian y derivados #sistemas_operativos #linux #gnu_linux #ubuntu #temas #tema_visual #themes #apariencia #dark #oscuro #negro #yaru #yaru_dark #midnight #midnight_green #visual #aspecto #i3wm #i3 #lxde #lxappearance #unity #gnome #unity_tweak_tool #gnome_tweak_tool #retoques #ubuntu_tweak #tweak_tool https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/midnight-green_mi_tema_visual_favorito_para_i3wm_debian_10/
#sistemas_operativos #unity_tweak_tool #themes #midnight_green #apariencia #yaru #aspecto #linux #visual #i3wm #lxde #gnome_tweak_tool #retoques #gnu_linux #ubuntu #temas #tema_visual #oscuro #negro #midnight #i3 #unity #dark #yaru_dark #lxappearance #gnome #ubuntu_tweak #tweak_tool
Ubuntu 22.04 May Offer a Choice of System Accent Colour #dev #news #accent_colours #eye_candy #ubuntu_22.04_lts #yaru https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/02/ubuntu-22-04-accent-colors
#eye_candy #dev #news #accent_colours #ubuntu_22 #yaru
Hey guys I just uploaded Yaru-dark style for Dramacook.sk
here is the link
👉 https://userstyles.world/style/2502/dramacool-sk-yaru-dark-theme👈
tell me if find anything off 👍
#yaru #ubuntu #linux #style #toot #css #colorscheme
#colorscheme #css #toot #style #linux #ubuntu #yaru
After creating such a nice #Yaru theme and its dark variant, I wonder why @ubuntu doesn't enable the Yaru dark GNOME shell theme as well when the user selects the dark theme from the 'Appearance' settings page. This has to be fixed manually in 20.04 and 20.10 by following the instructions in https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/04/enable-full-dark-mode-in-ubuntu-20-04
Yaru Colors Updated With Ubuntu 20.04 Yaru Theme In 12 Colors (GTK, Icons, GNOME Shell, More) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/LinuxUprising/~3/Lm-hq7kXd-g/yaru-colors-updated-with-ubuntu-2004.html #customization #themes #ubuntu #gnome #Yaru
#yaru #customization #themes #ubuntu #gnome
After upgrading to #ubuntu 19.10, let's enable gnome shell variant in #yaru https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/1578