Wenn die 13-jährige Schülerin #Yasmin den Politikern zeigt, wie es geht und mit gutem Beispiel und #Schulstreik vorangeht. Wir #PIRATEN wollen die #KinderdurchseuchungStoppen. Die Inzidenzen und die Omikronwand zeigen, warum die Präsenzpflicht in Schulen ausgesetzt werden muss.
#KinderdurchseuchungStoppen #schulstreik #piraten #yasmin
"Odd Girls"
Bonersville Public School has had many scandals since the school was instituted, but many parents who attended when they were young accepted it as the norm. The kids of today are finding all sorts of creative ways to get through school. Natalie, Yasmin, and Michelle greet teachers and strangers like good little girls (left to right).
All characters © to me.
#classroomoddity #cub #bonersville #natalie #yasmin #michelle #original #bottomless #anal #cum #bat #mouse #sheep
#classroomoddity #cub #bonersville #natalie #yasmin #michelle #original #bottomless #anal #cum #bat #mouse #sheep