some #film that changed how I saw the world pt 2
#Yasujiro #Ozu: Tōkyō monogatari (Tokyo Story); Banshun (Late Spring); and the 1959 remake of Ukigusa (Floating Weeds)
Jean #Cocteau: Le Sang d'un Poète; Orphée; Le testament d'Orphée
Luis #Buñuel & Salvador #Dalí: An Andalusian Dog
Federico #Fellini: La Dolce Vita; 8 1/2
Peter #Greenaway: Prosepero's Books; The Pillow Book; The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and her Lover
Terry #Gilliam: Brazil
#Gilliam #greenaway #fellini #dali #bunuel #cocteau #ozu #yasujiro #Film