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#Cosplay #YayaHan
Horizont | Neue Zielgruppe, neue Wege: Warum Cosplay-Star Yaya Han und Bernina kooperieren
#PAYWALLED #Cosplay #YayaHan
This cosplay is my biggest work from sewing a corset to making everything light up. I added over 300 fake roses that light up on the dress and hat and did everything by hand. I was highly inspired by Yaya Han’s version of her. I also added rhinestones and sequins.
Character: princess white rose
Video game: Saga Frontier
Cosplayer: me www.Facebook.com/selenedianacosplay
#princesswhiterosecosplay #princesswhiterosecosplayer #sagafrontier #sagafrontiercosplay #yayahan
#princesswhiterosecosplay #princesswhiterosecosplayer #sagafrontier #sagafrontiercosplay #yayahan