@YayForThat Always good to see a new . 🥰

I've purposely not watched this one, largely due to the synopsis. The same issue of isolation comes to bare on

Though, interestingly, Piggy takes on the idea that fat people, I include myself with this descriptor, may be the love interest, or object of adoration.

I won't watch The Whale, but if you watch Piggy, I'd love to hear your views on the role fatness plays in the two seemingly very different narratives.

#yayforthatreview #piggy

Last updated 2 years ago

@MevsMatze @CinemaParrotDisco It happened to @YayForThat here recently with her review of . 😊

Have not seen . Onto the list it goes.

I really enjoyed (2015), though.

#awoundedfawn #dontmakemego #circle #yayforthatreview

Last updated 2 years ago

YayForThat · @YayForThat
190 followers · 806 posts · Server mastodon.social

Luca Guadagnino verschreibt sich in drei Dingen: Der geografischen Schönheit der amerikanischen Landschaften, seinen brillanten Darstellern & den extrem grafischen Kannibalismus-Szenen. Dabei kreiert er einen atemberaubenden, epischen Film, der zum Weinen schön & zugleich absolut furchterregend ist. Im Zentrum steht jedoch immer die Suche nach Liebe & einem Zuhause.

Meine Gedanken zu findet ihr hier: yayforthat.com/bones-and-all-2

#bonesandall #yayforthatreview #newblogpost

Last updated 2 years ago