2 years ago, on this day, the US left #Afghanistan to the #Taliban. Women are resisting their violent regime ever since
👉 As #YPJ we joined the KJK's campaign to support Afghan & #Yazidi women
🎥 Watch our video on the women's struggle in Afghanistan
🔗 youtu.be/cKAkppxqdzY
#afghanistan #taliban #ypj #yazidi
On yesterday's Women's Forum in #Raqqa, women of the #YPJ, Kongra Star, #Yazidi Women's Union, Jineology, Zenubya Women's Community & Syrian Women's Council discussed strategies against #femicide
➡️ The Forum supported the KJK's campaign for women in #Shengal & #Afghanistan
#raqqa #ypj #yazidi #femicide #shengal #afghanistan
Nine years after the #Yazidi genocide, what next for survivors? #Iraq
Tîrêj Şengal, Commander of the #Yazidi Protection Units #YBŞ:
📢 "At that time, when the #ISIS gangs took over all the areas around Shengal one after another, we still did not believe that we could be next. Because we were surrounded by a massive army of Peshmergas and even Iraqi soldiers. And we trusted them. They used to tell us: 'We will protect you'. But unfortunately, they fled when the attacks started."
#yazidi #ybs #isis #RecognizeYazidiGenocide
🌹 Today marks the 9th anniversary of the #Yazidi #genocide in #Shengal
➡️ On August 3, 2014, the #IslamicState killed, beheaded, raped & kidnapped 1000s of Yazidis
➡️ #ISIS abducted thousands of Yazidi girls & women & sold them at slave markets
#yazidi #genocide #shengal #islamicstate #isis #RecognizeYazidiGenocide #daesh
Women of North & East #Syria launch campaign from 3. to 15.8. in solidarity with the women of #Shengal & #Afghanistan
➡️ August 3rd marks the anniversary of #ISIS' attack on the #Yazidi people in Shengal
➡️ August 15 marks the day when the #Taliban seized power in Afghanistan
#syria #shengal #afghanistan #isis #yazidi #taliban
Two young #Yazidi women liberated from #ISIS captivity
➡️ Aliya & Besê had been kidnapped by ISIS during their attack on Shengal 2014
➡️ The #AANES could save them from al Hol camp, after being 9 years in ISIS captivity
➡️ After the #AANES handed them over to the #YBŞ/#YJŞ, the Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement (TAJÊ) helped reunite them today with their families in Xanesor
📷 Roj News
“Il riconoscimento del genocidio subìto dal popolo ezida è doveroso e necessario” https://altreconomia.it/il-riconoscimento-del-genocidio-subito-dal-popolo-ezida-e-doveroso-e-necessario/ #NazioniUnite #Attualità #Opinioni #Shengal #Turchia #Sinjar #yazidi #curdi #ezida #ezide #unhcr #Isis
#NazioniUnite #attualita #opinioni #Shengal #turchia #sinjar #yazidi #curdi #ezida #ezide #UNHCR #isis
Nadia Murad; After weeks of investigation, I am extremely heartened to report that we have rescued six more Yazidi women who were taken captive by ISIS.
The women were still children and teenagers when they were first taken captive in 2014. Trafficked out of Iraq and onto Syria, they were rescued on Saturday morning.
They have been flown back to Erbil where they will be reunited with their families, and offered all the psychosocial support they need.
This rescue wouldn’t have been possible without the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government,
. By setting up an office dedicated to rescuing kidnapped #Yazidi women and girls, he has helped many of them escape ISIS captivity.
@iraq https://twitter.com/nadiamuradbasee/status/1665031242675286017?s=12&t=mljcd--u1MofRUJsuDi2Eg
Ganz böse Schatten, die da gerade wieder im #Irak erwachen:
In #Sindschar - einer multiethnischen & multireligiösen Stadt - sollen #Jesiden eine Moschee angezündet haben. Das behaupten Menschen in den sozialen Medien und posten Fotos der angeblich zerstörten Moschee.
Die sunnitische Gemeinde widerspricht rasch, dass die Rahman-Moschee nicht beschädigt wurde und die jesidische Demonstration friedlich verlief.
Trotzdem hetzen hunderte Irakis auf Social Media gegen Jesiden, nennen sie "Ungläubige" und "Teufelsanbeter".
Es sind genau diese Worte, mit denen #Daesch (#ISIS) ab 2014 den Völkermord an den Jesiden betrieb und rechtfertigte.
#irak #sindschar #Jesiden #daesch #isis #sinjar #Yeziden #yazidi #iraq
This is such a lovely message. I'm not #Yazidi but it's really nice to see such an expression of solidarity. Thank you.
Happy #yazidi New Year 6773!
RT @YPJ_Info
A #Yazidi women from Jindires managed to flee Turkish occupied #Afrin
➡️ She had been imprisoned twice by #Turkey’s occupation forces
➡️ In an interview with ANF she tells about the violent expulsion of Kurds & gives her testimony of the torture she faced in captivity
A #Yazidi women from Jindires managed to flee Turkish occupied #Afrin
➡️ She had been imprisoned twice by #Turkey’s occupation forces
➡️ In an interview with ANF she tells about the violent expulsion of Kurds & gives her testimony of the torture she faced in captivity
In the prison in Turkish occupied #Afrin, she was tortured in various ways:
➡️ The guards told her that #Yazidis are infidels & that it is permitted to kill them
➡️ They chained her to the floor, cut her arms & legs with a knife & poured a liquid into her face which blinded her
➡️ The guards put out cigarettes on the body of her 7 year old son
➡️ The violence they carried out against women was especially humiliating, like sexualized torture, giving urine to drink & cutting off the ear of a women
#yazidi #afrin #turkey #yazidis #Rojava #humanrightsviolations
Kann mal jemand der zuständigen Behörde das mit dem Fachkräftemangel und MedizinBrennt erklären?
Ist unser Fremdenhass stärker als das Wohl der Gesellschaft?
#nordirak #is #abschiebung #stopdeportation #Ezidi #yazidi