Congratulations to Marquand Chapel dean Awet Andemicael '10 M.A.R., who graduated Monday with Yale's Ph.D. class. Dr. Andemicael is the first Black woman to complete a Ph.D. in Theology at Yale. Here she is with her mentor, YDS Prof. John Hare. #YDS2023 #Yale #YDS #yaledivinityschool #Yalediv #eyecontact
#eyecontact #yalediv #yaledivinityschool #yds #yale #yds2023
Your humble social media manager is sorting through hundreds of photos from graduation, but this one is really striking.
Photographer Samara Sorce ’24 M.Div.!
[We put halos on our mortar board "hats" for graduation. Other professional schools on campus do their own thing.]
#Yale #YaleDivinitySchool #YDS #Graduation #YDS2023 #Eyecontact
#eyecontact #yds2023 #graduation #yds #yaledivinityschool #yale
[1/7] Since late March, we have been sharing profiles of graduating students. The series wraps up today with our student government president Tamara Fore-Ravelo ’23 M.Div. Congrats to her and all this year's graduates! #YDS2023 #eyecontact
We're ready!
Photo taken by the very non-acrophobic Steven Percival from high atop Marquand Chapel steeple.
#YDS2023 #YDS #Commencement #Graduation #Yale #YaleDivinitySchool
#yaledivinityschool #yale #graduation #Commencement #yds #yds2023
Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue today with John Aden ’23 M.A.R.! #YDS2023
When John Aden graduates from YDS this month, a job is waiting for him in Kentucky at Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together, where he’ll be the newest of three community organizers. The network of about 20 churches addresses such issues as police-community relations, education, and affordable housing. 🧵
Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue today with Brooklyne Oliveira ’23 M.A.R.! 🧵
#yds #yaledivinityschool #yale #yds2023
Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue today with Noah Humphrey ’23 M.Div.! #YDS2023
The day Noah Humphrey was born it rained so much that his mom changed her mind about naming him Moses. “As she saw the rain pour down, followed by a rainbow, she said, ‘This is it.' She named me Noah.” 🧵 #eyecontact
Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue today with Karis Ryu ’23 M.A.R.! #YDS2023
She has straddled multiple cultures all her life. Born in Boston to Korean immigrants, she’s fluent in Korean but is more comfortable with English. Her father is a U.S. military chaplain, and Karis and her two younger siblings grew up as Army brats, living in and near Washington, Kansas, South Carolina, the District of Columbia, and South Korea. #eyecontact 🧵
Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue today with Countess Cooper '23 S.T.M.!
As a child, Countess Cooper ’23 S.T.M. used to join her mother on Tampa street corners on Saturday mornings, registering people to vote. “We would go where we knew people passed, maybe on a corner where there was a church. She would talk about the importance of voting and try to get them to register.” 🧵
#eyecontact #classof2023 #yaledivinityschool #yds #yds2023