[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1620845728703578112]
RT @mynameismadison: my first set talking about #spasmodicdysphonia. i’m excited to bring more awareness (and levity) to the disorder now that i have access to a microphone.
#comedy #standup #standupcomedy #femalecomedian #yeahTHATgreenville #neurologicaldisorder #nsda #laryngealdystonia #distonia https://t.co/4Of1fmj9gH
#spasmodicdysphonia #comedy #standup #standupcomedy #femalecomedian #yeahthatgreenville #NeurologicalDisorder #nsda #laryngealdystonia #distonia
Great morning ice skating! Evreryone did well, and there were no tears! :-) #iceskating #yeahthatgreenville
#iceskating #yeahthatgreenville
Greenville, SC...always a fun morning, walking through downtown and parks, before the crowds pick up #yeahthatgreenville