Forget #SpotifyWrapped that only covers nine months of the year, I've been looking forward to my #ListenBrainz 2022 #YearInMusic report that dropped last week
#spotifywrapped #listenbrainz #yearinmusic
Now #ListenBrainz's #YearInMusic also got officially announced in the #MusicBrainz blog:
#listenbrainz #yearinmusic #musicbrainz
RT @ListenBrainz
Your personal ListenBrainz Year in Music 2022 is live! You made it through 2022, and you listened to some great music along the way - time to revisit, and celebrate!
In 2022 I listened to 25925 tracks from 2081 artists. At least what has been submitted to #ListenBrainz.
For those not familiar with ListenBrainz, it's an service of the great #MetaBrainz community, known also from #MusicBrainz. Cool thing about their sites & software is that it is all #opensource.
More of my stats, see #yearinmusic
#yearinmusic #opensource #musicbrainz #metabrainz #listenbrainz
On comprend assez vite que c'est l'année pendant laquelle j'ai découvert Stupeflip 😬
#YearInMusic #ListenBrainz #music
(edit : ajout des images)
#yearinmusic #listenbrainz #music
On comprend assez vite que c'est l'année pendant laquelle j'ai découvert Stupeflip 😬
#yearinmusic #listenbrainz #music
The #ListenBrainz #yearinmusic 🎶 is now available. I had been really looking forward to this. It's awesome, I actually enjoy this much more than Spotify's year wrap. What's your #YIM? Here is mine for 2022:
#listenbrainz #yearinmusic #yim
#2022music #artistcloud #lastfm #music #listeningtomusic #yearinmusic #instamusic #2022recap
OK, so I’m ready to go with my #30daysongchallenge but I also have a #yearinmusic Top 10 that I received overwhelming support to conduct/count down.
So, now what do I do? #music
#30daysongchallenge #yearinmusic #music
Sorry. I'm not a #SpotifyWrapped :spotify: cunt, I'm an #AppleMusicReplay :apple_inc: cunt.
1. #ArloParks
2. #LosCampesinos!
3. #Cassels
4. #JamieT
5. #Florist
Also, #PrinceAndrew is a Sweaty Nonce (Fuck The Jubilee) 👑
#spotifywrapped #applemusicreplay #arloparks #LosCampesinos #Cassels #JamieT #florist #princeandrew #music #AppleMusic #yearinmusic
I know for a fact that the second and the first are not compatible results, YouTube music. Make up your damn mind. #YearInMusic #electronic
I know Spotify is problematic with their JR issue, but I love the yearly wraps so f*cking much. Show me your musical soul!!!
#SpotifyWrapped #SpotifyWrapped2022 #Spotify #YearInMusic #music #IndieRock #IndiePop #IndieMusic
#indiemusic #indiepop #indierock #Music #yearinmusic #Spotify #spotifywrapped2022 #SpotifyWrapped