Mike 👨🏻‍🌾 · @scrutans
144 followers · 150 posts · Server lingo.lol

It's a dull, cold day, & I'm getting ready for tomorrow's journey south, into England, to London for Yearly Meeting. I hate the packing for these things, so let's focus on what's to look forward to - like meeting up with Rainbow Friends - over the rainbow 🌈 - that's where you'll find me!!

#today #quaker #quakerrainbow #friends #yearlymeeting #rainbow

Last updated 2 years ago

Rhiannon Grant · @rhiannongrant
318 followers · 632 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

If you're at Britain Yearly Meeting in person, you can stop by the bookshop to get advance copies of Quaker Quicks books which are coming out later this year (including Kate McNally's excellent exploration of Quaker faith, pictured). On Saturday 29th from 5:30pm several authors, including me, will be there to talk about and sign books.

@quakers @BritishQuakers

#books #quaker #QuakerQuicks #booksigning #yearlymeeting #bym

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Kelley · @martin
293 followers · 275 posts · Server quakers.social

@Wells I only know parts of it. It became common in the middle of the last century, as education rose and mobility stretched geographically. Typically, you'd have a small group start to meet in some prof's house in a college town. You'd have a few who grew up as Quakers in the Northeast, along with a collection of spiritual/political liberals who liked the silent worship. Later they'd spread the word in @friendsjournal and get in touch w/nearest .

#quakers #yearlymeeting

Last updated 2 years ago