Brook the Computer User · @brook
34 followers · 56 posts · Server

Just about gave myself a little panic attack, woke up recently installed Debian laptop up from sleep after a couple of days and it wouldn't accept my password.

Double checked I was using what I had in my password manager on another computer and I was.

Turns out I had decided to change the case on some of the words and neglected to record that in the pw manager. Good job, me. :blobdisapproval:

At least I had an inkling I should try a few different combinations.


Last updated 1 year ago

Brook the Computer User · @brook
33 followers · 49 posts · Server

Installed Debian on my laptop since I'm most familiar with the Ubuntu/Debian ecosystem, but would rather avoid further investments in Canonical and snap.

Went with Cinnamon desktop since out of the different live disk desktops I tried (gnome, kde, mate, xfce), the default look and behaviour annoyed me the least.

Touchpad does what I want, menus and title bars do what I want, "taskbar" is fine, settings and "start menu" are fine, WiFi connected with no issues.

KDE was runner up, but wtf is going on with that keyring setup required to connect to WiFi, no thanks.

I'm pretty lazy as a user, yeah I do want to be able to customize how things work, but I don't want to HAVE to customize how things work. If software ships with defaults that annoy me, I'm probably not going to invest the time in tweaking it to make it palatable, which is a major source of friction for me using Linux as a real user (instead of a server admin, or for testing game builds).


Last updated 1 year ago

Boiling Steam · @boilingsteam
3194 followers · 7981 posts · Server