Janet Jackson born #yearofthehorse trends again on a horsey day. I love horseys. I got Saturn in Sagitterrorist. I used to ride horses down hills backward in the Bay Area to show off. Barrel racing is my fave cowgirl ting to do. Get my PEGASUS LIPSTICK https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJouQaLqAy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
More #LunarNewYear illustrations from the days of yore.
#happynewyear #zodiac #chinesenewyear #yearofthehorse #yearoftherooster #yearofthesnake #yearoftheram
#yearoftheram #YearOfTheSnake #yearoftherooster #yearofthehorse #chinesenewyear #zodiac #HappyNewYear #lunarnewyear