A portrait photo of a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. As they age, they will develop the beautiful steely blue and black plumage and yellow crown of an adult. This species population is considered stable but loss of habitat by development and habitat degradation could change that status.
#NightHeron #YellowCrownedNightHeron #herons #birds #BirdPhotography #photography #MastoPhoto #WildlifeWednesday #MastoBirds #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #FediGiftShop
#nightheron #yellowcrownednightheron #herons #birds #birdphotography #photography #mastophoto #wildlifewednesday #mastobirds #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #fedigiftshop
Good morning. Here are some juvenile #yellowcrownednightheron from around the corner. Goony looking things. #birds #birding
#yellowcrownednightheron #birds #birding
#OxleyNatureCenter reopened over the weekend after being closed for 20 days to clean up damage from the wind storms. Back to hiking with camera rather than with a battery chainsaw and pole saw = happy. The birds seemed to be celebrating today as well, shaking out the old feathers and lots of beak clacking. This is a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron.
#birdsofmastodon #oxleynaturecenter #yellowcrownednightheron #naturephotography #birdphotography
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron,
Oak Point Park, Plano, Texas, June 1, 2023.
#yellowcrownednightheron #birdsofmastodon #oakpointpark #planotx
#planotx #oakpointpark #birdsofmastodon #yellowcrownednightheron
I picked up a 70-300mm lens for bird photography and it's given me the chance to learn all about what f-stop, shutter speed, and ISO actually do.
Also, fun fact about Yellow-Crowned Night-Herons: they're fond of eating little crabs that are themselves fond of climbing trees.
#birding #BirdPhotography #YellowCrownedNightHeron #photography #WildlifePhotography
#birding #birdphotography #yellowcrownednightheron #photography #wildlifephotography