A #TuneTuesday with the #MagicSongs theme is an ideal time for a bit of Yellow Magic Orchestra. So here's a bit of vintage Japanese bleepy bloopy fun times.
Yellow Magic Orchestra - 中国女 (La Femme Chinoise)
#tunetuesday #magicsongs #music #electronic #synths #yellowmagicorchestra
Het blijft leuk. Senor Coconut, die én #Kraftwerk covert en #YellowMagicOrchestra
Senor Coconut - 02 Yellow Magic (Tong Poo) https://youtu.be/pCWWm6vSHbk
#NowPlaying #yellowmagicorchestra #kraftwerk
Unusual to hear #YMO on #BBC6Music
#stevelamacq #6Music #BBC #yellowmagicorchestra #bbc6music #ymo
@arnoldgerritsen Is ontstaan uit MetaFive, een Japanse superband met o.a. Yukihiro Takahashi, Cornelius en Towa Tei in de gelederen. Na wat geduvel tijdens de Olympische spelen rondom Cornelius en de -toen al- broze gezondheid van Takahashi (bekend van #YellowMagicOrchestra) is de groep gestopt en hebben Leo Imai, Yoshinori Sunahara (bekend van Denki Groove), Seiichi Nagai en drummer Shirane Kenichi TESTSET opgericht.
Another Jukebox Friday Night on the Games We Play theme and in memory of Sakamoto Ryuichi
#JukeboxFridayNight #GamesWePlay #YellowMagicOrchestra #SakamotoRyuichi #RyuichiSakamoto
#JukeboxFridayNight #gamesweplay #yellowmagicorchestra #sakamotoryuichi #ryuichisakamoto
Some of the earliest Chiptune samples were done by Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) –
Yellow Magic Orchestra, "Computer Game 'Theme from the Invader' " (1978)
#genreoftheweek #chiptune #yellowmagicorchestra #ymo
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Firecracker
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #yellowmagicorchestra
Another 80's fave. Once again, I was the only person I knew of had the vinyl. I had to special order these things.
Peaches Records got it in faster then anywhere but expensive.
There was some woman on Lee Street (Greensboro) who had a record shop loved ordering the strange stuff, but it took awhile. Her store was near the Biff (AKA Beef) Burger.
Yellow Magic Orchestra
“Cue” by Yellow Magic Orchestra (1891)
Reportedly, there was creative tension between Sakamoto and Hosono during recording, and Sakamoto refused to play on this track.
On another note, the album was the first of any kind to feature the Roland TR-808 drum machine. YMO had already been the first band to use the device, featuring it on-stage as early as 1980.
#nowplaying #vinyl #yellowmagicorchestra
Today's drive: 180 miles from Midcoast Maine to Boston.
Homework, by #DaftPunk (1997)
Beaucoup Fish, by #Underworld (1999)
Clear, by #Cybotron (1983)
Technodelic, by #YellowMagicOrchestra (1981)
Result: My 10-year-old is getting deeply into electronic music, so I thought I'd give him a sample of the classics on the ride home.
#daftpunk #underworld #cybotron #yellowmagicorchestra
Sono molto affezionato a questa intervista. Ora è difficile non commuoversi vedendola.
"Se incontrassi me stesso da giovane, gli darei un pugno."
#ryuichisakamoto #yellowmagicorchestra
#ryuichisakamoto #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Behind the mask
#nowplaying #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #LateJunction
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Wild Ambitions
#nowplaying #latejunction #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #ThePeoplesParty with #AFRODEUTSCHE
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Computer Game / Firecracker
#nowplaying #bbc6music #ThePeoplesParty #afrodeutsche #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MechanicalBreakdown
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Kimi Ni Mune Kyun (Uwaki Na Bakansu)
#nowplaying #MechanicalBreakdown #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #RadcliffeAndMaconie
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Computer Game / Firecracker
#nowplaying #bbc6music #RadcliffeAndMaconie #yellowmagicorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #yellowmagicorchestra
Der Japaner Ryuichi Sakamoto war ein erfolgreicher Musiker und Komponist von Filmmusik. Seine Band Yellow Magic Orchestra gilt als Wegweiser der elektronischen Musik. Nun ist Sakamoto im Alter von 71 Jahren gestorben. Wir schauen auf sein vielseitiges Leben zurück.
#DerLetzteKaiser #DerSongDesTages #Popfilter #Rydeen #RyuichiSakamoto #Songempfehlung #Soundtrack #YellowMagicOrchestra #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#derletztekaiser #dersongdestages #popfilter #rydeen #ryuichisakamoto #songempfehlung #soundtrack #yellowmagicorchestra #popfilterdersongdestages
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SoundsOfThe80s
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Behind the Mask
#nowplaying #SoundsOfThe80s #yellowmagicorchestra