Master de latón. Pronto disponible en la tienda en bronce y en plata.
Brass master. Bronze and silver versions soon available in my shop.
#jewelry #jewellery #joyeria #artesania #joyeriaartesana #plata #plata925 #silver #silver925 #handmade #hechoamano #silverwork #artisan #smallbusiness #pequeñosnegocios #crafts #WIP #alternativejewelry #KingInYellow #ElReyDeAmarillo #YellowSign #SignoAmarillo
#jewelry #jewellery #joyeria #artesania #joyeriaartesana #plata #plata925 #silver #silver925 #handmade #hechoamano #silverwork #artisan #smallbusiness #pequenosnegocios #crafts #wip #alternativejewelry #kinginyellow #elreydeamarillo #yellowsign #signoamarillo
But seriously, have you seen the #YellowSign? I could have sworn it was in my other pants.
A peculiar calling card circulates through the Parisian demimonde:
"Do those who live, but should not, obstruct your aims?
Dream three times of M. Anguillerose.
And he shall solve your human problems."
A foe for the Yellow King Roleplaying Game: Paris #TTRPG
#ttrpg #carcosa #yellowsign #kinginyellow
Well.That happened. Amazing session of RP and chaos, the team are in disarray. A recurring ballroom of life size marionettes, a mystery snack and an even more mystery bottle.Everyone is at the firefighter's tiny apartment trying to shut out the nightmare for a few hours, but the pilot comes round in the backroom of a skinhead bar. Naked and covered in paint. On the wall a massive symbol and 'HAVE YOU SEEN IT?!' in his own hand. #YellowSIgn #DeltaGreen #ImpossibleLandscapes #TTRPG #NightFloors
#yellowsign #deltagreen #impossiblelandscapes #ttrpg #nightfloors
In case you haven’t heard, @Chaosium has provided us with lots of amazing functionality at for #CallOfCthulhu and #PulpCthulhu #PenAndPaper #TTRPG including character and handout creation, like telegrams, newspaper articles and calling cards! Here is one I created using only the website (including the #YellowSign ). It’s awesome! Iä! Iä! #Hastur ! And, of course, I misspelled #Carcosa !
#callofcthulhu #pulpcthulhu #penandpaper #ttrpg #yellowsign #hastur #carcosa
Have you seen the Yellow Sign?
#sfw #chambers #yellowsign #thekinginyellow #lovecraftian #eldritch #gothic #weird #symbol #magic #mythos
#thekinginyellow #lovecraftian #eldritch #symbol #gothic #mythos #sfw #chambers #yellowsign #weird #magic