Needed a hike after the past weeks of heat and #ClimateCrises in the news. Oxley provides that place of #Solace and @Wonder that we all need. We are early in #Migration, but are seeing an amazing number of #Warblers already. I wonder if the spike in migration is related to the #Fires in Canada = purely conjecture on my part, not even at hypothesis rank.
This is one of my favorites, a #NortherParula. Their call reminds me of a small #VibroSeis running through a sweep. They can be very gregarious if you are lucky. and talk to them softly.
Other sightings today included
along with the usual suspects.
#birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #oxleynaturecenter #climatecrises #solace #migration #warblers #fires #northerparula #vibroseis #wilsonswarbler #yellowwarbler #leastflycatcher #americanredstart #nikond850 #500mm
Finally finished processing all the pictures from my trip, and I'll be sharing some of my favourites here. eBird trip report with them all, even the not-so-good/"ID Quality" ones: https://ebird.org/tripreport/122208
On the first real day of birding, there was a #YellowWarbler being very photogenic, as well as a #SpottedTowhee looking fabulous and a male #DownyWoodpecker checking out some #RedBreastedSapsucker holes in a tree.
#yellowwarbler #spottedtowhee #downywoodpecker #redbreastedsapsucker
A yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia) checking me out in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (late May). These are small, greenish-gold birds with red stripes on their breast. Looks a bit too tropical for NYC? They winter Central America and the Caribbean, and migrate to the northern half of North America to breed (pretty much all the way up to the arctic circle.
#yellowsunbird #yellowwarbler #SetophagaPetechia #birds #birding #birdwatching #warblers #nature #wildlife #jamaicabay
#yellowsunbird #yellowwarbler #Setophagapetechia #birds #birding #birdwatching #warblers #nature #wildlife #jamaicabay
A Yellow Warbler at Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo, NY.
License CC-By-SA 4.0 International
#birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #creativecommons #YellowWarbler #YEWA
#birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #creativecommons #yellowwarbler #yewa
A yellow warbler taking a bath near the Pool in Central Park.
#yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #pool #centralpark #nycparks
#yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #pool #centralpark #nycparks
#FemaleBirdDay Birdathon, May 26-29, 2023, with #FeministBirdClub and @CTGT Clockwise: #EasternBluebird with two fledglings #TreeSparrow #BrownheadedCowbird #RedbelliedWoodpecker #YellowWarbler #EasternTowhee leading us away from a fledgling #ChicksRock #FemaleBirdAwareness #birding #BirdNerds #BirdPhotos #SolaceInNature
#femalebirdday #feministbirdclub #easternbluebird #treesparrow #brownheadedcowbird #redbelliedwoodpecker #yellowwarbler #easterntowhee #chicksrock #femalebirdawareness #birding #birdnerds #birdphotos #solaceinnature
This male Yellow Warbler looked so darn cute perched in the branches of the Maple tree in spring in Guelph Ontario Canada. He was just singing his little heart out for all to hear. What a happy little guy! These striking small yellow songbirds have chestnut streaks on the breast.
Available here
#birds #warbler #YellowWarbler #MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #photography #nature #wild #wildlife #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #giftideas #FediGiftShop #MastoPhoto #BirdWatching
#birds #warbler #yellowwarbler #mastobirds #birdsofmastodon #photography #nature #wild #wildlife #BuyIntoArt #fediverse #giftideas #fedigiftshop #mastophoto #birdwatching
Yellow warbler taking off from its perch, photographed in south Texas. See more here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/yellow-warbler-takeoff-south-texas-joan-carroll.html #bird #birdphotography #warbler #yellowwarbler #giftideas #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #SpringIntoArt @joancarroll
#bird #birdphotography #warbler #yellowwarbler #giftideas #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #springintoart
Here's a little song sample
#birdwatching #birds #birdbehavior #yellowwarbler #birdsong
My second warbler of the season is the little lemon wonder, the Yellow Warbler. I can't get over how adorable their tiny face is, just 💯 cutie pie. 😍
And for the first time, I was able to recognize its song and follow it until I found the bird. My bird learning only began 2 years ago so each little bit of progress feels great. An endless pattern recognition game.
#YellowWarbler #warbler #birds #BirdPhotography #BirdNerd #birdwatching #nature #Spring #MontroseBirdSanctuary
#montrosebirdsanctuary #spring #nature #birdwatching #birdnerd #birdphotography #birds #warbler #yellowwarbler
Now spring is moving along! Birds newly arrived on this morning's walk: #YellowWarbler #WesternTanager #EveningGrosbeak #PineSiskin #WarblingVireo
And continuing scads and scads of #YellowRumpedWarbler flocks. Continual nonstop butterbutt chip notes outside my window right now.
Solid migratory movement on radar last night - checks out!
#Birding #Oregon #Spring #Migration
#yellowwarbler #westerntanager #eveninggrosbeak #pinesiskin #warblingvireo #YellowRumpedWarbler #birding #oregon #spring #migration
A yellow warbler on a thorny vine in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.
#yellowwarbler #warbler #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #jamaicabay #wildliferefuge #nps #canonphotography #luminarneo
#yellowwarbler #warbler #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #jamaicabay #wildliferefuge #nps #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #warbler #yellowwarbler #birds #birding #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #Nature #naturephotography
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #warbler #yellowwarbler #birds #birding #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #Nature #naturephotography #lauracochranphotography
Yellow Warbler is just fine being your partner for the “ice breaker” exercise.
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birding #birdphotography #yellow #NobodyEnjoysIceBreakers #nature #naturephotography
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #yellowwarbler #warblers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birding #birdphotography #yellow #nobodyenjoysicebreakers #Nature #naturephotography #lauracochranphotography
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #warbler #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #yellowwarbler #nature #naturephotography #SilentSunday
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #warbler #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #yellowwarbler #Nature #naturephotography #lauracochranphotography #silentsunday
A yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia) hunting for bugs in the Wildflower Meadow in Central Park.
#yellowwarbler #SetophagaPetechia #wildflowermeadow #centralpark #nycparks #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo
#yellowwarbler #Setophagapetechia #wildflowermeadow #centralpark #nycparks #birds #birding #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
Yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia) working on its nest.
#yellowwarbler #Setophagapetechia #warbler #birds #tommythompsonpark #lesliespit #NikonD90 #Vivitar400mm #fossphotography #darktable
#darktable #fossphotography #Vivitar400mm #nikond90 #lesliespit #tommythompsonpark #birds #warbler #Setophagapetechia #yellowwarbler