06-10-2023 - #Yelm, WA
Today was Yelm's 1st #Pride Festival but it was difficult to ignore Law Enforcement from (4) different agencies (#Nisqually, #YelmWA, #ThurstonCounty, #WSP) and the permanent, embedded MAGA presence throughout the event.
As if that wasn't bad enough the #ProudBoys also showed up later in the afternoon, with an associated person approaching us about taking photos.
#yelm #pride #nisqually #yelmwa #thurstoncounty #wsp #proudboys
#yelm #wa Vote for or support Linda Hale for #SchoolBoard https://sites.google.com/view/electlindahale
#Yelm #WA #SchoolBoard please #vote for or support a great candidate running in a red district.
#Yelm #WA #SchoolBoard please #vote for or support a great candidate running in a red district. www.electlindahale.com
Airlifted Sheriff released within hours after arriving at Harborview.
An unscathed yet allegedly previously unconscious Derek Sanders hit a trailer late yesterday afternoon 7 miles south of #Yelm, WA.
Speculative reports went from Derek heading to an Intensive Care Unit as "serious or critical", then upgraded to satisfactory, then released.
After hitting a trailer being pulled by a small truck, it seemed the whole town came out in a panic with tots and taters.
Last night Derek posted a picture of himself in a hospital bed where it appeared he wasn't attached to anything, and quite literally didn't appear to have a scratch on him.
Thurston County Sheriff's are diligently working to blame the victim's trailer for being impaired.
Meanwhile The Seattle Times is reporting the opposite of what happened: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/thurston-county-sheriff-hospitalized-after-crash-in-yelm.
#OlympiaWA #OlyWA #ThurstonCounty #ThurstonCountyWashington #Yelm
#yelm #olympiawa #OlyWa #thurstoncounty #thurstoncountywashington