RT @ACAPSproject@twitter.com
The report aims to support understanding of the groups of people in Yemen facing the greatest challenges in meeting needs & those most vulnerable to protection concerns.
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🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ACAPSproject/status/1597261552754696192
RT @Basmallah87@twitter.com
If anyone would like to donate to needy starving children & families in Yemen, it would be much appreciated. If you cannot donate, please retwitte and support Yemen during this crisis.https://gogetfunding.com/emergency-appeal-to-fight-famine-in-yemen-3/ Thank you all. ❤️🤍🖤#SupportYemen #YemenCrisis 🇾🇪 https://t.co/z0hIF09yGm
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Basmallah87/status/1544390444347543561
RT @Basmallah87@twitter.com
If anyone would like to donate to needy starving children & families in Yemen, it would be much appreciated. If you cannot donate, please retwitte and support Yemen during this crisis.https://gogetfunding.com/emergency-appeal-to-fight-famine-in-yemen-3/ Thank you all. ❤️🤍🖤#SupportYemen #YemenCrisis 🇾🇪 https://t.co/z0hIF09yGm
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Basmallah87/status/1544390444347543561
Congresswoman #IlhanOmar on Ending War, Global Refugees, Russia Sanctions & Why More Saudi Oil Is Not the Answer
As the U.S. considers a ban on importing Russian oil as part of sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine, senior advisers to President Biden are reportedly plan...
#democracynow #ilhanomar #AfricansinUkraine #blacklivesmatter #yemencrisis #somalia #POCLivesMatter
Can the Saudis ever be trusted? #YemenCrisis
Ventes d’armes : stop à la complicité de la France !
Signez la pétition d'#AmnestyInternational :
À voir aussi le documentaire d'Arté sur la question : Armes françaises au Yémen : "un scandale d'État" : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/081327-118-A/armes-francaises-au-yemen-un-scandale-d-etat/
#amnestyinternational #frencharms #droitshumains #complicedeguerre #yemencantwait #yemencrisis
Alors que le #Yemen connaît la « pire crise humanitaire au monde », la légalité des #VentesdArmes de la #France à l’#ArabieSaoudite et aux #EmiratsArabesUnis est mise en cause.. Une situation aujourd’hui dénoncée par un cabinet d‘avocats sollicité par #AmnestyInternational France et l’#ACAT pour émettre un avis juridique : https://www.amnesty.fr/controle-des-armes/actualites/armes-au-yemen-la-france-mise-en-cause
#yemen #ventesdarmes #france #arabiesaoudite #emiratsarabesunis #amnestyinternational #acat #complicedeguerre #yemencantwait #yemencrisis