Today my kids watch Yves Saint Laurent on HBO,so is a inspiration,I totally get it, they're now happy! #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad
#coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad
Together with kids we have a nice day,happy with what we have,I'm just a little bit jittery,I had five Cokes on my way home,I've tried to kick the habit but I just can't seem to do it,I'm a Coke fiend,so I have thinking... plants day! Yeah!!! #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
I don't need to barking like #GretaThunberg making riots,protesting,starving in front of gov,chain on doors,shiting on plastic bags,I think the lesson of #climatechange & #globalwarming is that maybe"we"should be so concerned with other people think,act,do,say...I should trust my instincts &be myself,almost everything on my office,at home,are recycle stuff #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#gretathunberg #climatechange #globalwarming #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
I find the church like a notebook,like a pencil,art supplies,rulers,dictionaries,weekly planners,calculators...but all this stuff I can find on my iphone...but is fun #happyeaster #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#happyeaster #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Today we celebrate Maundy Thursday-(Skærtorsdag),all we going to church how are those praying of Jesus coming?okay,a little dark on the hair there...let's lighten it up... lighten it up! Eyes should be blue,if we remember,history says that Jesus does not look like a traditional man from middle east,but rather someone who makes philosophy; #happyeaster #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#happyeaster #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Maybe it'll be good for everyone to know??? ???yeah!!cause that's usually why people with low self-esteem commit to elaborate lies for years,cause they just want the truth to come out... #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad #herkermerhomolka
#bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad #herkermerhomolka
Let's have adult time, watching a esoteric movie,a German one,happily to be mute,but is a happy time #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Awesome day to work #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
People forget to ask&answer to How are you?how am I?do you know what the definition of a nudge is?a nudge is a jew who when asked"how are you"?he actually tells is a interesting culture #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Thank you #twitter I 💕 you soooo much!I raising my family together on social media; all this years we have feelings love 😘
#somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#twitter #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
(2)and we don't have anymore history!over all this great, braves wordzzz,this continent will be always the last!!! #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Sometimes I don't know why we even change the platforms,we always just end up reading negativity #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsriffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsriffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
The scary tactics of C-hina are not gonna work;I like C-hina,I was several times in Beijing;"politics"made"hating"the arts into a brand;but what they want??people ar'hurting, unemployment is up&down,dollar is strong in Europe/world &the arts smack of elitism &self absorption,indulgence& privilege;I just can't say,when times ar'tough,that's something that C-hina cannot stomach,that means today nothing is safe #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Omg!what's stupid things is this from #google !?!?let's try between corporation, football and work and being now rich?!? Google you just kinda overwhelmed me;like in our days, everyone wants something for me and I don't have energy to do it all,I don't know how important people like Amazon's, Tesla's or Microsoft or mob bosses do it,but I will give my shot..I will come back with... feedbacks.. until let's try this shit..#yeppers
Is season greating #Christmas spirit,she's is someone who believes I was a dick all years around,I can apologize?I can change her mind?I don't want to makes me just a dick forever!I know that's is not a apologize,or I don't think that's what an apology is!a spell I cast on another person to make her forgive me! apologies are opportunity to admit I own mistakes!so I apologize for everything and to everyone! #yeppers
I'm happy #eu have such a awesome president like #ursulavonderleyen ,she's a big mucky muck in the #world she's my hero!she's as respected for us and #ucraina as mother Teresa;she's as powerful as Obama,and she's as beautiful as Margaret thatcher #yeppers
#eu #ursulavonderleyen #world #ucraina #yeppers
Where did all this confidence come from all of a sudden???you two are just the cutest thing on four legs...but why so much black in heart???it's like you're going to a funeral... #yeppers