I have a feeling that we're going to learn some lessons. Many of them will be nasty.
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #yes23
The Voice is just one front in the culture wars, it seems.
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Referendum2023 #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #referendum2023 #yes23
"I'd support another attempt to solve the problems through a legislated voice". In other words, "white man knows best". Or "I really don't want a solution. What I want is another failure. I want the status quo to prevail."
I reckon it's time to put aside the white superiority complex and listen for a change.
"If you visit the camps round Alice". Are you saying that the Voice cannot possibly listen to those people? "White man knows best". Again.
@auscandoc @BlahBlah @mackayim2022
#AusPol #Referendum2023 #Yes23 #VoiceToParliament
#auspol #referendum2023 #yes23 #voicetoparliament
The issue is not so much the "abusive people". In this context, my vote doesn't matter much. What matters is the silent onlookers.
How might they interpret: "Just keep mouth shut, smile, nod"? Silence can be interpreted as assent. What is the potential impact on the referendum vote of seeming acquiescence by 'Yes' proponents?
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #yes23
It's remarkable that (supposedly) indigenous 'No' proponents can only assert that their communities oppose the Voice. They never post poll results. If they've conducted any polling, then it evidently didn't produce results to support their case.
@platypusparent @msdropbear42 @ApaulD
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #yes23
If the referendum fails, I will be wondering how many of the 'No' votes can be attributed to:
- intimidation (the sheer virulence of the 'No' campaign);
- fear (confected scaremongering) or;
- a perception that the majority will vote 'No', so that must be right (due to the volume of the 'No' campaign on social media).
@msdropbear42 @ApaulD
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #yes23
In some circles, any support for the Voice is pounced upon. It gets quite vicious and intimidatory. To the point that 'Yes' proponents withdraw. Which is the aim.
It's an extreme right-wing Conservative reaction. I feel that it reflects the rise of right-wing extremism in general.
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #Yes23
#auspol #voicetoparliament #yes23
Last day today to issue the writ to have the referendum on 14 October as planned
Any chance the Government doesn't do it given the polling?
Yes can still win but a No win would be a terrible outcome. Better not to risk it and cop the heat for cancelling at the last minute?
Dutton on, not great to wake up to but I guess he has to get a go now and then
Sticking by his line that he'll have a referendum on constitutional recognition if he becomes PM. Well unless he can change the question this time around lol
Seems to acknowledge that the referedum failing will damage our reputation internationally although I'd argue it would just shine a light rather than highlight something new
Stopping Indigenous people from having a Voice because that Voice might make mistakes is patronising and racist. - Clare G Coleman, The Saturday Paper No. 465.
Too funny. Sussan Ley does it again. @sussanley #afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730 #breakfastnews #auspol #Yes23 #VoteYes
#afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730 #breakfastnews #auspol #yes23 #voteyes
Clare G Coleman "Why I stand for Yes, and why that's hard to say out loud"
Free read..
#yes23 #referendum2023 #voteyes
So if No wins, I hope it doesn't, and there's eventually a change of government we get
Another referendum on constitutional recognition
Potentially legislated regional voices
And if Warren Mundine gets his way, treaties
Sounds like it's easier to just vote Yes this time around
Warwick Thornton has outdone himself
@Susan60 @msdropbear42 "the no campaign might be inciting rage; we’re gonna incite love and faith and the removal of fear,” Noel Pearson 2023 😍🥰😍🥰
Maintain the love ❤️
#referendum2023 #yes23 #yes23au #auspol
It’s far simpler than you think.