🥩 Love a nice hot cast iron! Dinner is coming along nicely! Happy Friday to the #carnivore and #keto community. #ketodiet #carnivorediet #yes2meat
1 marinated ribeye and the other one not marinated.
#carnivore #keto #ketodiet #carnivorediet #yes2meat
Yesterdays breakfast included 2 sausage patties cooked in bacon fat, 1 grass fed beef patty cooked in bacon and sausage fat, 2 eggs cooked in bacon and pork sausage fat and some nice crispy bacon. Oh yeah and some grass fed butter.. Man I love #carnivore I added some beef gravy I made for the pot roast the other day over it. #keto #ketodiet #carnivorediet #yes2meat - this is all the vitamins I need. #satiety rules!
#carnivore #keto #ketodiet #carnivorediet #yes2meat #satiety
Today I took some very cheap beef 🥩 that was the cheapest cuts and I put in my pressure cooker added some beef tallow and spicy chili flakes and real salt. 🧂 Finished product came out so good. I drank all the broth it tasted so good and the meat was so tender. (lunch) #keto #carnivore #yes2meat
Threw this huge piece of beef and some bacon in to pressure cooker. This is dinner tonight it’s so good! #keto #carnivore #yes2meat
Have been on Keto for 1+ year now and it has totally changed my life. #keto #carnivore #yes2meat With the way I feel I don't think I could ever go back to my old eating. It's crazy to think of how I used to eat and my old habits. Thankful for how far I have come.
72 hour fast complete✅ #keto #carnivore - I broke the fast with this yummy food right here all cooked in some nice delicious beef tallow. #yes2meat
Bitcoiners create fake accounts of "climate" activists, praising for $bitcoin and meat consumption : literally the two human activities with highest carbon footprint in the world.
This world is nuts.
RT @coinsalacarte
#yes2meat #yes2beef #meatheals
#meatheals #yes2beef #yes2meat