Happy Faux Patriotism Day where inconsiderate people set off loud things, and shoot off deadly things- far past any reasonable amount of time and in spite of anyone with PTSD, pets, and/or a general aversion to loud and deadly things.
Hope you're able to watch/read/or make something Spooky despite today. 👻
#HappyFourth #FourthOfJuly #4thOfJuly #Fireworks #BigBadaBoom #Loud #Noise #KidRockSucks #TheSouthSucks #YesImAngry #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme @horror
#happyfourth #fourthofjuly #4thofjuly #fireworks #bigbadaboom #loud #noise #kidrocksucks #thesouthsucks #yesimangry #mothersuspiriasmorningmeme