Just to be clear, there are two types of people. There are the people who think I'm awesome, who agree with me, and who tell me how thin and smart and manly I am. Then there are the radical fascists, communists and RINOs. These are sick, horrible people.
#yesman #tfg #maga #trump #satire
#currlisteningalcea #journey #yesman
Yes Man (2008) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ https://trakt.tv/movies/yes-man-2008 #YesMan #trakt
All-girl electro soul punkband opgericht in 2004 te San Francisco door #JillianIvaMeadorwe, Bex en Lay Lay. In de eerste versie, als quartet, van de band zat ook #ElizabethDavis van #SevenYearBitch.
We kennen ze ook als de band #MunchausenByProxy uit de film #YesMan met #jimcarrey, ze namen 4 songs op speciaal voor de soundtrack.
Ze creëren een heel eigen sound door Breakbeat te combineren met soul, dance en punk.
Donna Summer meets Joy Division en Dr Dre.
#voniva #jillianivameadorwe #elizabethdavis #sevenyearbitch #munchausenbyproxy #yesman #jimcarrey
#StuffAlcea s #favorite / #Feelgood #movies
1. #YesMan !
2. JoseeToToraToSakanachi (Tiger & Fish)
3. The #Swan #Princess
4. #Basil of #Bakerstreet
5. #Millenium #Actress
6. #Koe no Katachi
7. #Airplane I & II
8. #Jumper
(animu shows no tvshows would be a bit much 😆 )
#stuffalcea #favorite #feelgood #movies #yesman #swan #princess #basil #bakerstreet #millenium #actress #koe #airplane #jumper
Yup, figured they would break their own rules. Especially after Biden stated the interim director would not be nominated