#InPlaatsVanOphef vanavond een volgende aflevering van Yes, Minister
Yes Minister S01E02 - #Dailymotion
#Politiek #YesMinister
#yesminister #politiek #dailymotion #inplaatsvanophef
#HaagseZaken, waarin ik een half uur mag kletsen over #YesMinister, met dank aan @VitavanLennep: https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/07/29/wat-yes-minister-ons-leert-over-ambtenaren-politici-en-pers-a4170819-
#YesMinister star #JohnNettleton dies aged 94 | #Television | The Guardian
Not a bad innings.
#yesminister #johnnettleton #television #uk #comedy
@fetzert I get the Yougov brexit polls on the regular and can confirm there is one question in it that asks very loaded, very leading, pro-Brexit question in it. It is very #YesMinister in its obvious leading to an answer they want too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ZZJXw4MTA
How to Discredit a Report - as per #YesMinister or Tony Abbott over #ClimateChange or any other politician over other issues they don't want to act on. Satire is nearly always based on fact #NZpol
#yesminister #climatechange #nzpol
Political decision making under media influence isn't a new thing. We're seeing this over lots of focus on MPs and Ministers, including Michael Wood. Here's a reminder from #YesMinister about UK newspapers #NZpol
My favourite #TV shows include:
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #DeepSpaceNine #Voyager #Enterprise #LowerDecks #StrageNewWorlds
#StarWars #CloneWars #Rebels #TheBadBatch
#followfriday #tv #startrek #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #lowerdecks #stragenewworlds #starwars #clonewars #rebels #thebadbatch #stargate #sg1 #atlantis #doctorwho #battlestargalactica #theorville #fringe #eureka #thegreatnorth #rick #americandad #bobsburgers #clarksonsfarm #thegrandtour #thegreatbritishbakeoff #faultytowers #thegreatindoors #foundation #mash #cornergas #theredgreenshow #babylon5 #birdgirl #blackadder #brooklyn99 #community #dadsarmy #dirkgently #disenchantment #futurama #thehairybikers #hisdarkmaterials #theitcrowd #miranda #mrsbownsboys #nightcourt #thesandman #somebodyfeedphill #spaced #thestrangecalls #thethinblueline #travelman #waitingforgod #wednesday #yesminister #yesprimeminister
Does Paul Eddington murder Nigel Hawthorne? Is that the mystery? #TVMysteries #MissMarple #YesMinister #YesPrimeMinister
#yesprimeminister #yesminister #missmarple #tvmysteries
If you are a Yes Minister fan allow me to ruin your evening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgeoFTv_9aU #youtube #chatgpt #yesminister #comedy
#youtube #chatgpt #yesminister #comedy
For other *olde fartes* like me, for whom "Yes Minister" was, in real time & ever after, part of the mandatory seminal comedy oeuvre, this article might be quite fascinating. Given i still recall the specific episode with clarity, these decades later, reading this was both technically & reminiscently interesting.
#yesminister #comedy #science #chemistry
kinda amazing how often I watch an old episode of #montypytonsflyingcircus and a) still funny and b) social commentary mostly spot on. not always but often. same with #yesminister. history repeats. #ultra #blancmange
#blancmange #ultra #yesminister #montypytonsflyingcircus
Good news, I've got Yes, Prime Minister working on the Spectrum+.
Bad news, it's a multi-load TZX image. Loading it on hardware means doing it via sound playback, rather than using the DivMMC.
So I'm happy to stream it, but you lot are sitting with me while it loads. Loading time to the start of the first level is five minutes, twenty-two seconds.
@patrickoyulu I THINK they may all actually be on YouTube. :) The reason I think this, is I introduced the series to a friend of mine with a YouTube clip, told her I'd lend her all my DVDs and she said no need, it was all on YouTube! 0_o.
#britishhumor #yesprimeminister #yesminister
@patrickoyulu I THINK they may all actually be on YouTube. :) The reason I think this, is I introduced the series to a friend of mine with a YouTube clip, told her I'd lend her all my DVDs and she said no need, it was all on YouTube! 0_o.
#britishhumor #yesprimeminister #yesminister
7 TV Shows to know me:
#LifeOnEarth and David Attenborough's Life/Planet series in general
#doctorwho #thebeiderbecketrilogy #lifeonearth #thegoodplace #thegreatbritishbakeoff #yesminister #Taskmaster
Gonna do that 7 TV shows to know me better thing.
#doctorwho #theprisoner #reddwarf #ufo #spaced #ghosts #yesminister
@JamesBaker 'the people' can't be trusted Burnard, they might make the wrong choice at the election!