La colonne centrale est dominée par Kether, et est appelée le pilier de l'équilibre, ou de la conscience. Les Sephiroth de ce pilier (Kether, Tipheret, Yesod et Malkouth) traduisent un équilibre entre force et forme, mâle et femelle, action et structure : ils correspondent à des états de conscience équilibrée. La voie de ce pilier est surnommée la voie de la flèche.
#KETHER #tiphereth #Yesod #malkhout #sephiroth #pilier #equilibre #conscience #kabbale #spiritualite
#kether #tiphereth #yesod #malkhout #sephiroth #pilier #equilibre #conscience #kabbale #spiritualite
Malkhouth. Le Royaume.
Telle est la signification de son nom. "Tu ne convoiteras pas." le commandement qu'elle véhicule. Elle porte les noms divins Adonaï ha Aretz et Adonaï Malekh. Elle se rattache à l'Archange Sandalphon et au cœur angélique des Ishim (ou Individus). Elle se lie à la planète Olahm Yesodoth (la Terre) et à son élément (dans les 4 éléments ésotériques).
#sephiroth #malkhout #netzach #tiphereth #HOD #Yesod #KETHER #kabbale #spiritualite #mysticisme
#sephiroth #malkhout #netzach #tiphereth #HoD #yesod #kether #kabbale #spiritualite #mysticisme
Yesod, la fondation, loge le cœur angélique Anges. Elle est attachée à l'Archange Gabriel. Son nom divin est Shaddaï el Chaï. Elle se lie à Levanah (la Lune), à l'Éther et au commandement "Tu ne mentiras point.". On lui attribue la couleur mauve et la valeur 9. Elle porte la vertu d'indépendance et les vices d'illusion et de rêverie. Sa qlipah développe l'obéissance aveugle.
#Sephira #arbredevie #kabbale #Yesod #CARACTERISTIQUES #esoterisme #spiritualite #occultisme #mysticisme #profil
#sephira #arbredevie #kabbale #yesod #caracteristiques #esoterisme #spiritualite #occultisme #mysticisme #profil
The ReaderT Design Pattern
"used a StateT kind of approach within Handler to allow you to modify the user session values and set response headers."
Yaks have been (mostly) shaved. I wrote a little program that parses database definition used by Yesod and turns it into a dot file that can be rendered into a diagram.
Comments, indices, automatically derived instances are parsed too, but not yet shown on the diagram.
With some experience in the #Yesod web framework under my belt, it is so refreshing and such a joy to work in #Servant! This #Haskell library got so many things right that Yesod didn't. In Servant things get handled at the appropriate level of abstraction, e.g., there is a clear separation of data serialization and de-serialization from higher-level tasks. Of course, the type system plays a crucial role in facilitating abstraction.
#web #typesystems #haskell #servant #yesod
Does anyone know if there's a way for a web app to use a Mastodon account as a user authentication method, the same way you can use a Google or Facebook account? Being a decentralized service, is that a thing that could actually work? Bonus points of there's a #yesod package already in existence. #authentication #webapp #programming
#yesod #authentication #webapp #programming
A yet another Yesod rant: I introduced bugs into a code base because I wasn't aware of mandatory presence of two request headers that I should have validated values of. Hence, instead of me encoding this requirement via Haskell's type system (the Servant framework empowers you to do so), incidentally I had others waste time in fixing bugs I have grown.
#typesystems #haskell #servant #yesod
@tauli, I believe Yesod is great compared to so many other options out there (primarily in other programming languages, e.g., in #JavaScript).
However, when I have to modify an endpoint, with #Yesod I'm lost as to what are the constraints for the endpoint. What I've seen so far with #Servant seems to solve these problems elegantly by relying on the #typesystem. Furthermore, Yesod conflates different levels of abstraction, which makes it even harder to see what is going on and where.
#haskell #typesystem #servant #yesod #javascript
When I moved away from Scala and got into Haskell, I couldn't believe how much easier Haskell makes programming for me thanks to its type system. This shift opened a whole new world for me.
Now I'm experiencing the same, but within #Haskell: seeing how #Yesod fails to utilize the type system, which leads to opaque and repetitve code in programming a #web #api, whereas #Servant provides structure, clarity, documentation and other via types.
Types for the win!
#functionalprogramming #typesystem #servant #api #web #yesod #haskell
I've been working with the Yesod web framework for 3 months now and it feels very untyped, inspite of its tagline, "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications". So many constraints are not encapsulated in the types. Furthermore, there is little separation of levels of abstraction.
I'm looking forward to learning Servant. Based on its research paper, it looks very promising thanks to its usage of type-level features!
#Haskell #typesystem #functionalprogramming #web #Yesod #Servant #REST
#rest #servant #yesod #web #functionalprogramming #typesystem #haskell