New #vlog day 🥳
Our journey up the #ClaydonLockFlight continues from the middle to the top lock. The water in the pounds is getting low...
#boatsthatvlog #canal #lifeisbetterbywater #oxfordcanal #claydon #YetAnotherCanalAdventure
#vlog #claydonlockflight #boatsthatvlog #canal #lifeisbetterbywater #oxfordcanal #claydon #yetanothercanaladventure
New vlog day 🥳
Wedged halfway into the lock chamber, we couldn't go forward or backwards!! How did we escape? Are we still stuck there? Find out here:
#Canal #narrowboatsofinstagram #narrowboatsoffacebook #vlogger #navigating #boatsthattweet #YetAnotherCanalAdventure #lifeisbetterbywater #naptonlocks #lowwaterlevel #stuck #southoxfordcanal #narrowboatvloggers
#canal #narrowboatsofinstagram #narrowboatsoffacebook #vlogger #navigating #boatsthattweet #yetanothercanaladventure #lifeisbetterbywater #naptonlocks #lowwaterlevel #stuck #southoxfordcanal #narrowboatvloggers
New vlog day 🥳
We have reached the foot of the Napton Lock Flight at Napton on the HIll on the South Oxford Canal. It's getting late and we'll have to go through four locks of the flight to find somewhere to moor up for the night. Then this happens...
#Canal #narrowboatsofinstagram #narrowboatsoffacebook #vlogger #navigating #YetAnotherCanalAdventure #lifeisbetterbywater #naptonlocks #lowwaterlevel #stuck #southoxfordcanal
#canal #narrowboatsofinstagram #narrowboatsoffacebook #vlogger #navigating #yetanothercanaladventure #lifeisbetterbywater #naptonlocks #lowwaterlevel #stuck #southoxfordcanal
New vlog day 🥳
After abandoning a perfectly good mooring spot, we head closer towards the village and the Folly Inn. We pass some possible mooring spots, but do we moor up or do we blunder on?
#narrowboatvloggers #narrowboat #southoxfordcanal #sheerfolly #naptononthehill #cruise #lifeisbetterbywater #navigation #YetAnotherCanalAdventure
#narrowboatvloggers #narrowboat #southoxfordcanal #sheerfolly #naptononthehill #cruise #lifeisbetterbywater #navigation #yetanothercanaladventure
We find a lovely place to moor up, it's perfect! Our journey continues towards Napton on the Hill, join us as we cruise along the South Oxford Canal...
#narrowboat #vlog #youtube #lifeisbetterbywater #naptononthehill
#perfect #breconbeavernarrowboat
#southoxfordcanal #yetanothercanaladventure #narrowboat #vlog #youtube #lifeisbetterbywater #naptononthehill #perfect #breconbeavernarrowboat