Wie es zum Absturz von #YetiAirlines-#Flug691 kam?
In #Nepal wird der Flugverkehr auf Kosten der Sicherheit ausgebaut.
#yetiairlines #flug691 #nepal #jwkapitalundarbeit
8. A #YetiAirlines plane carrying 72 people crashed in #Nepal on Sunday.
#yetiairlines #nepal #News #todaysnews #thenewpaper
Un jour de deuil national a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crĂ©tĂ© ce lundi. Malheureusement, lâespoir de retrouver des survivants aprĂšs lâaccident dâun avion au NĂ©pal avec 72 personnes Ă bord est dĂ©sormais «nul», selon les autoritĂ©s #crash #avion #YetiAirlines #morts #nepal #video
#crash #avion #yetiairlines #morts #nepal #video
Black box and voice recorder retrieved from Nepal crash site
#blackboxes #Pokhara #yetiairlines #planecrash #nepal
â ïž Apparently there was a passenger aboard the plane that crashed in #Nepal today who was streaming live on #Facebook when it happened.
The video is now circulating on social media. I haven't watched it, I do not intend to watch it and I suggest you may prefer not to watch it either. There are things you cannot unsee. (I've never forgotten the footage of the 3/11 tsunami, or the Jordanian pilot killed by ISIS.)
#news #aviation #journalism #mentalHealth #planeCrash #PTSD #trauma #YetiAirlines
#yetiairlines #trauma #ptsd #planecrash #mentalhealth #journalism #Aviation #News #Facebook #Nepal
#BOOMFactCheck | Several news outlets used an old image of a plane crash site from Kathmandu, Nepal to report about the flight crash of #YetiAirlines that happened in #Pokhara, Nepal on January 15, 2023
#nepalplanecrash #Pokhara #yetiairlines #BOOMFactCheck
Ăcrasement dâun ATR 72-500 de la compagnie nĂ©palaise Yeti Airlines Ă Pokhara đłđ”
#aviation #Avgeek #nepal #pokhara #yetiairlines
44 people recovered so far:
42 death
2 critically injured, hospitalized
Source: Guru Dutta Baral
(Deputy Chief District Officer of Kaski)
#pokhara #nepal #yetiairlines #planecrash