ジャニオタの人が予備知識無しでバンタンの映画「BTS: Yet to come in cinemas」を見た感想。
自分は4DXscreenで見たけどめっちゃ良かったし、映画館がライブ会場みたいになって楽しいので予備知識なくても楽しめます。見てない人がいたら、なるべく4DXscreeの3面スクリーンがあって声が出せるところで見てください #bts #yettocomeincinemas #kpop
何にも知らない状態でジャニオタがBTSのライブ映画観た レポ|まつむらたん|note: https://note.com/asahinadayo/n/n10a09cde0045
#bts #yettocomeincinemas #kpop
Part two is between the #Taehyung playlist I am stuck on #dope after #YetToComeInCinemas & #piedpiper I just laugh at myself falling for J-hopes Folio, and also #EpikHigh #strawberry ep/ album.
#taehyung #dope #yettocomeincinemas #piedpiper #epikhigh #strawberry
Today me and my girl went to the YTC screening. It was such a wholesome experience 💜 From tearing up at the first notes, dancing in our 4dx chairs to laughing at the wind the came out suddenly from the back and blew my popcorn away, crying again when we saw Jin, singing HBD to Jimin and hugging eatchother when YTC started💜
#bts #btsarmy #YetToComeInCinemas #YetToCome
#iloveyoubts #bts #btsarmy #yettocomeincinemas #yettocome
I took my son and his wife to YTC tonight. Our theater was sparseley populated with small groups of ARMY each doing their own thing. We really enjoyed the freshly edited concert. However, it was marred by a group of 5 young teen girls constantly and dramatically screeching and yelling ridiculous things, even during quieter moments. I told my son they were weverse live army LOL #YetToComeInCinemas
YTC was so great tonight. We got some freebies from incredibly kind Armys. The crowd was incredibly hyped, singing along, doing fanchants, and cheering. Most of them had lightsticks, and the view of them all lit up was fantastic. 10/10 energy all around. I had an edge seat on the opposite side, though, and got flung up for Idol instead. I wasn't prepared. I thought I was safe after it didn't happen during Fire lol. I would still go back in a heartbeat.
#btsarmyxmastodon #yettocomeincinemas
Only four more hours until I see #YetToComeInCinemas :ablobcatbongo: While I’m incredibly excited, I had the sudden realization that I am going to bawl my eyes out. But I’m ready! Bring on the tears!!
YTC D-2 in just a couple hours. Let's gooo.
#yettocomeincinemas #btsarmyxmastodon
I LOVED it! :borahae_2:
#YetToComeInCinemas :bts_bomb:
I went to the theater right after wrapping up a challenging work project...
It's the weekend now and truly 00:00!
My lightstick arrived literally two hours before I had to leave for #YetToComeInCinemas. It was wonderful being able to have one for the theatre.
In other news, I got full on air time during Fire. The seats were so aggressive, y'all.
#yettocomeincinemas #btsarmyxmastodon
What fun! Although screen 7 was fairly subdued #TunbridgeWells #YetToComeInCinemas
#tunbridgewells #yettocomeincinemas
Just watched #bts #YetToComeInCinemas
It was so good. They looked so good. Realised how much I miss them 😭
Butterfly was amazing
:bts_bomb: :bts_logo: :borahae_2:
Officially going to YTC Friday and Saturday, both 4DX screenings. I'm ready to have my face slammed into the floor. Those seats look like they move aggressively.
I just hope my lightstick comes in time. It was supposed to be here today. I want to waggle it around with everyone.
#btsarmyxmastodon #yettocomeincinemas
So #YetToComeInCinemas in 4K was really wild! I always felt a bit detached because the seats lean a bit, which probably helps make sure we don’t fall out of the chairs, but being upright makes me feel like I’m paying attention. I think Fire with the 4k was my favorite…oh so many were fun. I was giggling the whole time the streams of air from the back would surprise me every time. I’m excited to see it just in 2d for more dancing but I would do the 4k again!
@not7with_you here’s a comforting PL to help after #BTS #YetToComeInCinemas and #jungkook on Weverse and #Jhope fofo and #suga dream https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7AcJvGZ3PS4YFOBtzgkEi8?si=Cp0ugMnpRVe3CGWwa8KBPQ
#bts #yettocomeincinemas #jungkook #jhope #suga
@lajibolala_rmy13613 I can’t wait! <48 hours for me :agooglehearts: I watched PTD:LA on Disney today because…:borahae_2: :blobcataww: #BTS #YetToComeInCinemas