I kinda wish my social studies teachers had done something like this to really drive home just how much map projections distort things at the edges.
Each one of the pink lines on this map is the same "length”: 1570.8 km.
At the equator it spans 30º of longitude.
At 60ºN/S, it spans 60º of longitude.
#worldbuilding #yewdar #cartography #fantasy #ttrpg #rpg #mapmaking
#worldbuilding #yewdar #cartography #fantasy #ttrpg #rpg #mapmaking
There is an entire nation in Yewdar that was the result of me thinking “What if Vikings, but Pacific Islanders, but made Roman Empire in Australia?”
Worldbuilders are basically DJs remixing Earth.
#worldbuilding #yewdar #rpgs #ttrpgs
Its profoundly satisfying when you make a thing, step back and look at it, and are actually happy with the look.
#yewdar #worldbuilding #cartography #fantasycartography #maps #ttrpg #ttrpgs
#yewdar #worldbuilding #cartography #fantasycartography #maps #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I haven't done anything animated or fun yet in Blender, btw. So far I'm just using it to project my 2:1 rectangular source map onto a sphere so I can see where distortion is screwing with things. Overlaying it with a blank texture lets me draw a fix directly onto the sphere, and exporting it gives me a template I can use to update the source map.
Biiiiig thanks to Edgar of Artifexian for making videos about this and loads of other world building topics.
#yewdar #worldbuilding #ttrpgs
Also, did you know you can just download Blender, a 3D modeling toolkit, for *free?*
They just... let fools like me have toys like this!
#yewdar #worldbuilding #ttrpgs
Doing some campaign setting renovations this weekend. #yewdar #WorldBuilding #ttrpgs
#yewdar #worldbuilding #ttrpgs
Tonight's light cosplay look for Mélaril, the Elven Rogue that I play in @valthonis ' #FantasyAge #Yewdar #Homebrew setting.
#fantasyage #yewdar #homebrew #casualcosplay #yewdarwayward #ttrpg
Today I wrote one of the most difficult messages I've delivered in the last five years… but it needed to be written. I cannot pour from an empty cup.
Doesn't make it any less painful, though. 😢
#ttrpgs #rpgs #tabletop #yewdar #thebrokenage
My brain will not stop going back to this idea from February:
"Dweomertouched: Children of the Twelve" is a thought experiment on what from Yewdar would make a good tactical RPG game idea. Imagine a small population of demigods who each have their own agendas and goals but are compelled to cooperate against a threat bigger than all of them.
#yewdar #worldbuilding #ttrpg #ttrpgs #games
Chatting with my son this morning about the Kardashev and Barrow scales, posting where different Yewdari civilizations sit (or sat) along those axes.
#yewdar #worldbuilding #fantasyage #ttrpgs
Borrowing blood magic from the Dragon Age RPG and reskinning as the Pain Arcana for Yewdar. Adds one new specialization for mages (with pretty hefty requirements) and a sextet of pretty nasty and powerful spells.
One of the players in Wayward wants to try out a specialization around Perak, the god of pain… so we’ll try this on for size and see how it does. 😉
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #fantasyage #yewdar #roleplayinggames
In Yewdar, even when you're on an adventure handling one complication after another, the unexpected can happen, and fast. These events are dangerous more often than not, and always seem to happen at just the wrong time. Then, when you think things are bad, they get REALLY bad… like how stopping a cult that's abducting people becomes about preventing a daemonic dragon from piercing the veil between planes. THAT kind of bad.
#yewdar #fantasyage #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Tonight in Yewdar: Wayward…
- A peaceful walk around a picturesque jungle lake!
- Fishing with LIGHTNING! ⚡️
- Assorted watersports!
- Ominous aquatic fauna!
- …and then the warrior slips on some ice and disappears into the lake…
Wayward is now moving to weekly on Thursdays, so we'll find out what happens next week!
#yewdar #fantasyage #ttrpgs #ttrpg #roleplayinggames
So, uh… the amount of customization one can do to Obsidian is… non-trivial.
This is the vault for Yewdar I just finished cutomizing, and the fact that I can make it match the “house colors” for the setting tickles me no end.
#yewdar #ttrpgs #fantasyAge #tabletop #roleplaying #games #obsidianmd
#yewdar #ttrpgs #fantasyage #tabletop #roleplaying #games #obsidianmd
If you take the skyscraper density of midtown Manhattan and just stacked it on top of itself a few times over a mesa a mile across, you'd get Apex City. That's a metropolis in my fantasy setting, Yewdar. Impossible 1km+ tall towers exist there such that a single tower can be host to its own slums, sanitation, residential districts, and more.
#yewdar #ttrpgs #fantasyage #tabletop #roleplaying #games
Last night went well! Our Templar of death was visited by his goddess, or rather a younger aspect of the goddess who is… less placid than her current persona. Temptation was laid, refusals were given, and a bar brawl with a trio of phasing snakes known as Ataxiaconda.
The bard, Cori, stayed on stage and finished her set over the course of the fight, using her commanding presence and magical songs to support her companions.
It was pretty awesome.
Tonight, The Broken Age returns after a two month hiatus.
When we last left the Talon Breakers, they were at the Crimson Porter tavern enjoying a concert by funk band Eddy & the Howlers.
Then a ghost showed up.
We'll find out what happens next tonight!