Did you know the lyrics to the classic Yiddish song “Zol shoyn kumen di geule” were written by communist political activist Shmerke Kaczerginski, and the melody was composed by the great kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook? Here is a great performance of the song by a musical duo called Rogers Park.
#mazeldon #JewishMusic #YiddishMusic #Yiddish #RavKook #RogersPark @mazeldon
#mazeldon #jewishmusic #yiddishmusic #yiddish #ravkook #rogerspark
#yiddishmusic #nowplaying Musiques juives dans le Paris d'après-guerre (1948-1953) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxMq-4u_3kM
I read recently that we don’t sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing.
Of course, both things can be true.
#Hanukkah is not over, so we are still in time to listen to some of the music sung around the world in this festival.
#hanukkah #sephardicmusic #yiddishmusic #hebrewmusic