#yii2 apparently has a config to set all cache files and folders permissions by passing `fileMode` or `dirMode` in the `cache` component config. But this info is in... wait for it... the source code :) and you get there through the API docs. IDK why is this project so hard to work with. Official #documentation give almost no info aside of the basic scenario. Even it took me 25 minutes of browsing to see how to contribute to #yii3 and eventually I gave up. Sad
RT @Bizley_@twitter.com
Since I've discovered #Mercure and #ApiPlatform I've wanted to get myself something like this for #Yii2 as well. And now it's here! Yii 2 behavior to publish resource updates to Mercure Hub automatically has been released https://github.com/bizley/mercure-behavior
RT @Bizley_@twitter.com
Version 1.0.0 of #Yii2 #Mercure publisher component has been released https://github.com/bizley/yii2-mercure ๐ Read more about Mercure at https://mercure.rocks and say big thank you to its author @dunglas@twitter.com ๐
RT @cebe_cc
Just found that my #yiiconf talk about "The Database Abstraction Layer of Yii Framework 2.0" is now on YouTube. You can watch it here:
slides: https://speakerdeck.com/cebe/the-database-abstraction-layer-of-yii-framework-2-dot-0
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/cebe_cc/status/1101029970514722817
#yiiconf #yii #yii2 #php #database
We are happy to announce the release of #yii 2.0.16 https://www.yiiframework.com/news/196/yii-2-0-16-is-released #yii2 #php