galaxy-brain level #Yijing studies: "what if the nihon shoki was inspired by the yijing"
not *impossible* but, uh, extraordinary claims require evidence more extraordinary than 16th century arguments
È stato pubblicato il mio nuovo libro:
DAO DE JING (Tao Te Ching) – Il Libro della Via e della Virtù alla luce del Libro dei Mutamenti
#iching #yijing #IKing #YiKing #64Esagrammi #tao #taoismo #daodejing #taoteching #laozi #laotsu #LaoTse
Salutary #YiJing reflections this morning. First time I've used the method below, albeit with 2d10s —the more focus, the better.
Generating all the permutations of the hexagrams of the #YiJing as a 4096d would simplify matters considerably. Assume a spherical cow... A very large spherical cow...
The d8 and d20 method generates the same odds as the venerable yarrow stalk method. #YiJing
There's always a moving line. Things are always in flux. Settled on the three 6d method. Roll them twice to build the hexagram, then one die a 7th time to designate the moving line. If what I read is correct, this nicely duplicates the yarrow stalk method of old. #YiJing
Sunday March 26th 2023:
Hexagram 51
Zhèn, Shock
Thunder over Thunder
Initial line: The shock comes: fright fright. After that laughter and talk: shriek shriek. Auspicious.
Sunday March 26th 2023:
Hexagram 51
Zhèn, Shock
Thunder over Thunder
Initial line: The shock comes: fright fright. After that laughter and talk: shriek shriek. Auspicious.
If you're a #ChinaStudies person, a scholar of #AncientChina, or just interested in #ClassicalChinese poetry, #ChinesePhilosophy, or the #YiJIng...
... would you mind adding your name to this form?
And please pass it along to anyone you think would be interested.
Relevant to:
#Laozi #Confucius
#Historians #ChineseLiterature #Daoism
#daoism #ChineseLiterature #historians #confucius #laozi #yijing #ChinesePhilosophy #ClassicalChinese #ancientchina #chinastudies
Acute observations thanks!
The place of humanity is not threatened by #technocratic #AI per se, but by devastation of the biosphere and of the human #germline (maybe furthered along by #AI).
Western sign production was conceived to be outside #Time (contra #Heraclit) while the Eastern approach has been embedded in #Time. The key to the #YiJing for example.
This ontological difference might even explain why #China embraced #QuantumInformation so much more successfully.
#technocratic #ai #time #heraclit #yijing #china #quantuminformation #germline
#Introduction cont.
I'm a #gamer, into all #gaming : #TableTopGaming (#BoardGames and #rpgs ) and #PCGaming (I'm a #SteamDeck #LinuxGaming enthusiast!) I program computers for a living (in #TypeScript these days, #RustLang for fun!) Tinkering a little with #GodotEngine . I do #writing sometimes, of #poetry and #prose, and I do #painting #oilpainting as well. I read #tarot and #iching / #yijing / #易經.
#introduction #gamer #gaming #tabletopgaming #boardgames #rpgs #pcgaming #SteamDeck #linuxgaming #typescript #rustlang #godotengine #writing #poetry #prose #painting #oilpainting #Tarot #IChing #yijing #易經
I'm into #TableTopGaming (like #BoardGames and #rpgs ) and #PCGaming (I'm a #SteamDeck #LinuxGaming enthusiast!) I program computers for a living (in #TypeScript these days, #RustLang for fun!) Tinkering a little with #GodotEngine . I #writer sometimes, of poems and prose, and I #painter as well, of oils and dreams. I read #tarot and #iching / #yijing .
#tabletopgaming #boardgames #rpgs #pcgaming #SteamDeck #linuxgaming #typescript #rustlang #godotengine #writer #painter #Tarot #IChing #yijing
#IChing #YiJing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #LibrodeiMutamenti #64Esagrammi #interpretazione #significato #responso #consultazione #oracolo #divinazione #Esagramma 24 #Esagramma24 #IChing24 #EsagrammidelCalendario #Natale #Solstiziodinverno
#iching #yijing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #LibrodeiMutamenti #64Esagrammi #interpretazione #significato #responso #consultazione #Oracolo #divinazione #Esagramma #esagramma24 #iching24 #esagrammidelcalendario #natale #solstiziodinverno
Abbiamo appassionati di #IChing o #YiJing che dir si voglia? Questa è il 56 - Il Viandante
(Battiato, Nomadi)
5 Elementi
#YiJing #IChing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi
#NumerologiaOrientale #Astrologia del #FengShui #Numerologia delle #StelleVolanti dei #9Palazzi #Ki9Stelle
#5Elementi #5Movimenti #5Traformazioni
#BaGua #PaQua #LuoShu #LoShu #Trigrammi #8Trigrammi
#Tao #Dao #Taoismo #Daoismo #QiGong #ChiKung #Cosmologia
#Shiatsu #MTC #MedicinaTradizionaleCinese #MedicinaCinese #Macrobiotica #FilosofiaOrientale #PensieroOrientale #SaggezzaOrientale
#yijing #iching #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #numerologiaorientale #astrologia #fengshui #numerologia #stellevolanti #9palazzi #ki9stelle #5elementi #5movimenti #5traformazioni #Bagua #paqua #luoshu #loshu #trigrammi #8trigrammi #tao #dao #taoismo #daoismo #qigong #chikung #cosmologia #shiatsu #mtc #medicinatradizionalecinese #medicinacinese #macrobiotica #filosofiaorientale #pensieroorientale #saggezzaorientale
#Introduction Hi, I'm a visual #artist born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, based by the sea in SE Britain.
I'm exploring #dreams and metaphor in oil #painting, drawing, writing, and (often #polaroid) #photography.
I'm also a digital consultant and activist and have studied classical #FengShui and #BaZi since 2013, now also studying #YiJing, and other mantic practices.
[From archive] Polaroid nocturnes, charcoal bamboo in fog, Earthship bunker in the woods at twilight and floating flowers in oils.
#introduction #artist #dreams #painting #polaroid #photography #FengShui #BaZi #yijing
Il mio libro:
Yi Jing (I Ching)
“Guida alla consultazione diretta e spontanea del Libro dei Mutamenti”.
#IChing #YiJing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #LibrodeiMutamenti #consulenza #consulto #interpretazione #significato #responso #interrogazione #consultazione #domanda #oracolo #64Esagrammi #ValterVico
#iching #yijing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #LibrodeiMutamenti #consulenza #consulto #interpretazione #significato #responso #interrogazione #consultazione #domanda #Oracolo #64Esagrammi #ValterVico
I Ching: come, dove, quando e perché
#IChing #YiJing #IKing #YiKing #consulenza #consulto #interpretazione #significato #responso #interrogazione #consultazione #domanda #oracolo #64Esagrammi #metodo #calcolo #Esagramma #3Monete #50Steli #millefoglie
#iching #yijing #IKing #YiKing #consulenza #consulto #interpretazione #significato #responso #interrogazione #consultazione #domanda #Oracolo #64Esagrammi #metodo #calcolo #Esagramma #3Monete #50Steli #millefoglie