Es I am dro yn y coedwig lleol y prynhawn 'ma. Roedd hi'n anhygoel clywed rhywun yn siarad Cymraeg - dwi byth yn clywed unrhyw un siarad Cymraeg ym Mwcle fel arfer.
I went for a walk in the local woods this afternoon. It was amazing to hear someone speaking Welsh - I never hear anyone speaking Welsh in Buckley usually.
Corrections welcome.
Some interesting ways to talk about toilets 🚽 yn #Gymraeg #Cymraeg #Ymarfer
Dw i yng Nghaerfyrddin
#tootup #summertour #Carmarthen #caerfyrddin #ymarfer
My first attempt at writing #poetry in #Welsh.
I relied heavily on Google Translate for unfamiliar words but felt more confident in my sentence structure. It's very odd not being able to rely on an extensive language knowledge to construct rhythm and rhyme, but I'm glad to have at least tried! Any feedback would be welcome please.
Video: Mudassir Ali on Pexels
Music: The_Mountain on Pixabay
#ymarfer #barddoniaeth #cymraeg #welsh #poetry
@KathAndrews SaySomethingInWelsh have a workspace on Slack called WSP (Welsh Speaking Practice) which anyone can join - you just need to email to ask for an invite (and it's free - you don't have to be subscribed to SSiW)
#DysguCymraeg #Ymarfer
Diwrnod hyfryd arall
Dwi wedi pressure-golchi ffrwnt a'r y byngalo a llwybr
Cefn yw nesa!🏴
Dwi'n cyfarfod fy nghefnder hyfryd Ailish, heddiw am ginio yng Nghanolfan Arddio Pontarddulais achos ei bod yn ben-blwydd iddi
Mwynhewch yr heulwen pawb
Another lovely day
I've pressure-washed the front of the bungalow and the path
Back is next! 🏴
I am meeting my lovely cousin Ailish today, for lunch at Pontarddulais Garden Centre
because it's her birthday
Enjoy the sunshine everyone
I love Northern Soul or any kind of soul really! type
Dwi'n caru Northern Soul neu unrhyw Soul a dweud y gwir!
Es I am dro i Y Garn o Rhyd Ddu
Well I say walk as I don't know the Welsh for slog
Dwi'n meddwl, y siop 'ma yn trio bod y Llanfair PG o Langollen.
I think, this shop is trying to be the Llanfair PG of Llangollen.
Nesa, cinio a'r gorsaf! A pam ydy eirth? Wel, pawb ar y taith ydy ar Trydar efo eirth, neu stuffies eraill. Dyma, Repair Bear (yn y siwmper), a Bob.
Next, lunch and the station! And why are there bears? Well, everyone on the trip is on Twitter with bears, or other stuffies. This is Repair Bear, and Bob.
Ond, hyd yn oed efo dau geffyl, oedd y cwch methu symud ymlaen.
But, even with two horses, the boat could not move forward.
Ond, cyn y pont cyntaf, oedd y gamlas rhy bas! Oedd y cwch yn sownd. Oedd y ceffyl yn trio, ond, dim lwc. Felly, oedden nhw'n troi nôl, ac yn aros am geffyl arall.
But, before the first bridge, the canal was too shallow! The boat was stuck. The horse tried, but no luck. So, they turned back, and waited for another horse.
Aethon ni heibio'r Pavilion, y safle Eisteddfod. (Roedd sioe cŵn mynd ymlaen ddoe, mae'n debyg)
We passed the Pavilion, the Eisteddfod site. (There was a dog show going on yesterday, apparently)
Aethon ni, efo ffrindiau, i Langollen ddoe. Aethon ni ar cwch ceffyl, ar hyd y gamlas. Roedd y tywydd yn braf iawn, a y cwmni yn da.
We went, with friends, to Llangollen yesterday. We went on a horse boat, along the canal. The weather was very nice, and the company was good.
Dw i wedi plannu y planhigion, prynais i y wythnos 'ma. Jyst rhoi nhw mewn tub mawr, ac aros a weld.
I've planted the plants, I bought this week. Just put them in a big tub, and wait and see.
Un o fy hoff blodau. Fritillary Pen Neidr. Mae grid metal ar y pot, i stopio gathod a wiwer yn palu.
One of my favourite flowers. Snakehead Fritillary. There is a metal grid on the pot, to stop cats and squirrels digging.