China verbannt Micron-Speicher als Sicherheitsrisiko
Micron-Produkte hätten einer Sicherheitsprüfung Chinas nicht standgehalten. Der Speicher braucht aber nicht ersetzt, darf nur nicht mehr verkauft werden.
#China #DRAM #Halbleiterindustrie #Handelskrieg #Import #Micron #PCKomponenten #Speicher #YMTC
#verpasstodon #china #dram #halbleiterindustrie #handelskrieg #import #micron #pckomponenten #speicher #ymtc
Great nuggets in the latest #storage news ticker ( TIL:
1. #GPFS now has containerized clients for k8s - neat
2. Shipped _capacity_ CAGR for #tape thru 2027 is 21%, but actual revenue not so rosy. 80% of that is #LTO; remainder is 3592.
3. #YMTC was far enough in native Chinese NAND manufacture to win (then lose) a big deal with Apple. #Samsung picked up the contract, large enough to hike global prices by 10%.
#storage #gpfs #tape #lto #ymtc #samsung
Biden gambles with global chip supply by halting US firms’ operations in China - Enlarge (credit: Pavel_Korr | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
The ... - #memorychips #policy #china #ymtc
#ymtc #china #policy #memorychips
US lawmakers escalate pressure on Chinese chipmaker YMTC - Enlarge (credit: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)
Top US lawmakers a... - #exportcontrols #policy #china #ymtc
#ymtc #china #policy #exportcontrols