VenkateshaYOGA · @venkatesha
0 followers · 12 posts · Server

"The yoga pose starts when you want to leave it and the pose you avoid the most but are healthy to perform is the one you need the most."


#yoga #yogapose #yogamaster #venkatesha #venkateshayoga #expectation #hathayoga #workout #asana

Last updated 2 years ago

VenkateshaYOGA · @venkatesha
0 followers · 12 posts · Server

@TheSecondVariation not every pose has to stretch you: As you get more advanced you will have fewer poses that "stretches" you anyway.

Going beyond the purely physical expectations, boring your mind in a healthy way or at least disciplining it, is the beginning of yoga. everything before that moment is just "floor exercises". no offense. 🙏🧘🕉️

#yoga #yogapose #yogamaster #venkatesha #venkateshayoga #expectation #hathayoga #stretching #askthemaster

Last updated 2 years ago