sadedoes · @sadedoes
83 followers · 827 posts · Server

week 3 day 3

Warm-up: 3 rounds
- 1' thoracic foam rolling
- 20 banded pull apart
- 10 dead-bug overhead let down

Triceps - core - pulling: 4 rounds
- 8 triceps roll back (kneeling)
- 8 inverted rows
- 30" side plank, each side

And then finished with a 40 min vinyasa yoga class, sometimes the needs to be a

#pullupprogram #yogateacher #yogastudent #pullup #fitness #fitnessgoals #gymlife #strengthtraining #strength #yoga #yogaclass #vinyasa

Last updated 1 year ago

sadedoes · @sadedoes
34 followers · 312 posts · Server

Took a half day worth of overtime today, because I was feeling drained.

OF course a manager demanded I went in to the office for a meeting (that yes, could have perfectly been a teams, since half the people were on teams anyway). Which meant wasting 1h driving there and back.

So my half day off started a bit later and even more tired, so I did some deep guided relaxation, which often helps.

Then I watched some more of the yoga for athletes course I am taking (super interesting session on ), and afterwards I went for a walk.

And I'm sure people at work judged me because I took time off in the middle of a delivery period, but it's either that or ending sick / exhausted, so I've been setting boundaries and doing what I need to do to keep myself healthy.

#yoganidra #yogaforcrossfit #crossfit #worktoot #yoga #boundaries #yogateacher #yogastudent #yogaforathletes #fillingmyowncup

Last updated 2 years ago

Frax · @Fraxinus
32 followers · 322 posts · Server

Iā€™m so bad at remembering to hashtag my shit:

#yoga #yogapose #yogi #yogastudent #hottakes

Last updated 2 years ago

Are you ready for 2023?

This is where I wish I were right now! I love the beach.

Alas, I am on the east coast of the USA during a record-breaking cold snap.

As 2022 draws to a close, I'm putting together my teaching schedule for 2023. Please take 5 minutes to complete the short interests & availability survey - - to make sure a class is available at a time you want.

#yoga #yogaclass #yogateacher #yogastudent #onlineyoga #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #fitness

Last updated 2 years ago

sadedoes · @sadedoes
26 followers · 204 posts · Server

As a yoga teacher I am always a student, so I've been slowly going through my training "Yoga for Athletes" from

Being that their trainings are research based, they offer a list of interesting articles that the cite during the lessons. So I went and downloaded those that are free to download, and then contacted a few researches to ask if I could ge a copy of their paper.

I love that researchers will send you a free copy, and I know they're busy. But it's amusing that they don't even send a "Thank you for your interest, here's a copy", they just reply by attaching the pdf.

Do they know they can create templates? Have standard replies?

#yogateacher #yogastudent #inquiringminds #research #movementscience

Last updated 2 years ago

sadedoes · @sadedoes
7 followers · 17 posts · Server

Rainy day. Body wanted some rest. So one hour of restorative yoga and 10 mins laying on my new spiky mat

#yoga #restorativeyoga #yogastudent #acupressuremat #prettypattern

Last updated 2 years ago