Reminder that I teach yoga, mobility & myofascial release / self massage, and you can have a taste of my style in my mini desk yoga breaks & other videos over at
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Under 4 Minute Kitchen Yoga Routine Videos
Kitchen Yoga is the best remedy if you don't have time for a formal yoga class. This only takes 3 minutes and 11 seconds and Susan Foxley's clients love this routine. Give it a try and like and comment below.
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#learnhowtomasteryourthoughts #healingyourinnerchildvisualization #healyourlifevideos #lawofattractionvideos #thesecretsauceforrelationshipsvideos #yogavideos #chairyogawithsusanfoxley #gentleyogavideos
Healing Your Inner Child Visualization
You will be led down a mountain to the most beautiful beach where you will encounter your inner child. During this process you will release limiting beliefs, fears, worries and anxieties that no longer serve you.
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#learnhowtomasteryourthoughts #healingyourinnerchildvisualization #healyourlifevideos #lawofattractionvideos #thesecretsauceforrelationshipsvideos #yogavideos #chairyogawithsusanfoxley #gentleyogavideos
Gentle Yoga Videos
Susan Foxley takes her students through some playful and practical yoga stretches to maintain a healthy, happy and whole body, mind and soul!
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#learnhowtomasteryourthoughts #healingyourinnerchildvisualization #healyourlifevideos #lawofattractionvideos #thesecretsauceforrelationshipsvideos #yogavideos #chairyogawithsusanfoxley #gentleyogavideos
It is our attempt to present you world views from a Hindu or Sanatana Dharma point of view. We only want to present truth and will make a best effort in doing so. Our programs are based on historical, geographical, archeological, astronomical and astrological proofs. We can easily debunk the mythology tag put by colonialists. Sattology means the science of truth.
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#sanatanadharmavideos #yogavideos #mediationvideos #onlinevedavideos
Yoga Videos
It is our attempt to present you world views from a Hindu or Sanatana Dharma point of view. We only want to present truth and will make a best effort in doing so. Our programs are based on historical, geographical, archeological, astronomical and astrological proofs. We can easily debunk the mythology tag put by colonialists. Sattology means the science of truth.
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#onlinevedavideos #mediationvideos #yogavideos #sanatanadharmavideos