Ich hab so ne Tradition, dass ich immer von Aschermittwoch bis Ostern "Zucker"-Faste. Also keine Süßigkeiten, kein Kuchen, etc.
Ich werde euch ab morgen regelmäßig nerven, dass ich Kuchen möchte.
Oder Eis.
Vor allem Eis.
Außerdem mach in der Zeit immer die neue #Yogawithadrienne Challenge. Darauf hab ich dieses Jahr gar nicht so Lust, weil ich den anderen Yoga Channel so viel besser finde. Mal schauen wie das wird. Wenn sich jemand anschließen möchte, einfach melden.
early practice for me today, and I loved the suggestions. I feel the strain in my upper back and shoulders, and it reminds me it makes me stronger, little by little.
#YWACenter #day29pleasure #YogaWithAdrienne
#yogawithadrienne #day29pleasure #ywacenter
And #Yin tops up my day perfectly!
#YWACenter #Yoga #YogaWithAdrienne
#yogawithadrienne #yoga #ywacenter #yin
@Knitapeace I was thinking of this! I was wondering about doing another round of Center or starting a different 30 days challenge... I would like to keep going - I am sleeping way better when I slot a half hour yoga in my day! #YWACenter #YogaWithAdrienne
Double session of #YWACenter today, I did today and yesterday back to back.
Those low lunges were a killer!!
#yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaWithAdrienne
#yogawithadrienne #yogachallenge #yoga #ywacenter
Now I am feeling better, I have restarted the #YHACenter challenge...
note to self - doing 1 after a pilates session might not be really sustainable in the long run (ouch, all these down dogs killed my arms!!!)
I'm not sure if I should cram the missed sessions after the daily one until I am up to date or do the daily one & catch up with the missed ones later...
Is there a progression I'll miss if I postpone the 4 missed videos at the end of the challenge?
#YogaWithAdrienne #yoga #YogaChallenge
#yogachallenge #yoga #yogawithadrienne #yhacenter
I had a pretty good writing block today, but it was followed by dark thoughts creeping in about workplace safety (related to guns & covid). I got upset quickly. But I'm going back to writing, and then bookending it with today's #YWACenter, which is, appropriately, on shifting one's energy. Thank goodness for #YogaWithAdrienne!
My flat is so cold at this time of year. But rather than putting the heating on I did a #YogaWithAdrienne video. Love it when my cats get involved by weaving between my arms during down dog. But today #OmarCat mostly kept himself cozy and comfy on my discarded jumper!
#athomeyoga #fwfgyoga #fwfg #mainecoon #omarcat #yogawithadrienne